Why you guys run Dell off?

Dell Dude

EOG Master
It doesn't matter. Jake Rapper has his script and he is going to read it ad nauseum. Balloons under Trump. That motherfucker is still reading the script the Ukraine plank was changed in 2016 to appease Trump to appease Putin. Debunked in 1 or 2 sentences in the Mueller Report. That was the entire coverage of it in the report because it was a complete made up silly Seth Abramson lie.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
John ratcillf on right now denying there were other balloons under trump - which means like always our military is lying to us.

I am posting you. The military is gone and that is as scary as it seems because the military was our last levee to prevent a complete takeover by the woke commies. And now it is gone. There is nothing left.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
It started with don't ask, don't tell. Foot in the door. The military is loyal to the deep state and the deep state is loyal to China. If given the command, the military will kill Americans.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
Anonymous source. Anonymous source. Because it will be like chasing a fart in the windy Whoppers to find the person to testify. Doesn't exist.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
I believe nothing from the government or media. Not only do I believe every conspiracy theory is Truth Social, I believe there are a surplus of scandals we don't know about.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
Let me post it again. There is no chance China floated a ballon to and through the United States mainland without US knowledge, approval and cooperation. Not 99.9 to the infinite decimal. 100 with a decimal which excludes any chance. 2 ways we are protected. Water and Air. Both are under 24/7/365 watch and patrol. Air even more than water because air can happen quickly and be devastating. Pear Harbor. It's like Desmond of Lost having to put in the code every 48 minutes or 480 minutes to prevent the world from collapsing into itself. Anything that flies, dies unless it is a UFO with untouchable maneuverability technology. Full stop.

This was a cooperative exercise between the United States and China. We knew what the ballon was. We knew what was ouside and inside the ballon. We knew the path. We knew the purpose. All of it approved. Had it not been spotted and made public, not even a shoot down in the Atlantic. They are lying about that. Not surprising they are also lying about it happening with Trump. Why not. It doesn't matter. Jake Rapper has their back

What is going on, I don't know. I do know it's not good, bad things. None of what I posted is arguable. Entirely irrefutable facts. If one Liberal EOG cocksucker comes in and tries to argue with me, I will fight you. Not today.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
They Linda twapped themselves. Either have to admit lying or admit they hid intel about the balloons to not only Trump but every key official. Hiding is worse and worse. That's mutiny, sedition, treason - take your pick. General Silly is at Daryl Rodgers what does it take to get fired around here stage. Actually he is way past that.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
But they are telling the Truth Social about Russia hacking the DNC and Podesta emails. Miraculously that is the only thing Truth Social. GTFO.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
Chance to salvage the Pee-Am.

Malnaughty to win $300

Malnaughty +900
Clemson +500
Kansas +450
USC +1300
Gonzaga +450

Malnaughty +600
Purdue +800
LSU beavers +1000
Miami Heat +1600
Mark Cuban +550

Dell Dude

EOG Master
When I watched his post round interview Saturday, I thought I wish I had him. Correct fuck it attitude. Hopefully he pays it off. Need Rosy to get wetty.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
Let me post it again. There is no chance China floated a ballon to and through the United States mainland without US knowledge, approval and cooperation. Not 99.9 to the infinite decimal. 100 with a decimal which excludes any chance. 2 ways we are protected. Water and Air. Both are under 24/7/365 watch and patrol. Air even more than water because air can happen quickly and be devastating. Pear Harbor. It's like Desmond of Lost having to put in the code every 48 minutes or 480 minutes to prevent the world from collapsing into itself. Anything that flies, dies unless it is a UFO with untouchable maneuverability technology. Full stop.

This was a cooperative exercise between the United States and China. We knew what the ballon was. We knew what was ouside and inside the ballon. We knew the path. We knew the purpose. All of it approved. Had it not been spotted and made public, not even a shoot down in the Atlantic. They are lying about that. Not surprising they are also lying about it happening with Trump. Why not. It doesn't matter. Jake Rapper has their back

What is going on, I don't know. I do know it's not good, bad things. None of what I posted is arguable. Entirely irrefutable facts. If one Liberal EOG cocksucker comes in and tries to argue with me, I will fight you. Not today.


Dell Dude

EOG Master

Over 4.5 Goals+370
Botosani v ACS Petrolul 52
PLACED: 2/6/2023 9:28AM MST

Dell Dude

EOG Master
First they lied about not knowing about the balloon. Then they lied about not being able to shoot it down instantly. Then they lied about it happening during the Trump administration. Then they lied that nobody knew about it happening during the Trump administration until they discovered it just now. They had to make the last lie because they didn't think lie #3 through. If it happened during Trump and nobody important was told least of all the President of the United States, that's a problem.

Every lie, every hustle doubling, tripling, quadrupling down, CNN had their back and when I post CNN it's really all of the media. If there is a gaslighting fake news script line they won't cross, no indication. Every indication they will read whatever script they are given no matter what.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
The Russia hoax has reached the status where parts of the manistream media are starting to come clean. Started with Musk and Twitter and then the Jeff Gerth book length breakdown takedown of the entire sordid scheme. They just ignored it. Both. And it's working. They will never mea cookie unless someone goes Game of Thrones.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
But they are telling the Truth Social about the most safest and most securist election in the history of non binary personality kind.

mr merlin

EOG Master
First they lied about not knowing about the balloon. Then they lied about not being able to shoot it down instantly. Then they lied about it happening during the Trump administration. Then they lied that nobody knew about it happening during the Trump administration until they discovered it just now. They had to make the last lie because they didn't think lie #3 through. If it happened during Trump and nobody important was told least of all the President of the United States, that's a problem.

Every lie, every hustle doubling, tripling, quadrupling down, CNN had their back and when I post CNN it's really all of the media. If there is a gaslighting fake news script line they won't cross, no indication. Every indication they will read whatever script they are given no matter what.
Hmmm, if they didn't know about it happening during trump until now, how did they find out?

Total BS.

mr merlin

EOG Master
It's sarcasm, Mikey.
Ahh, missed that, then i ask again how could they possibly discover they "missed" exactly 3 chinese balloon incursions years ago?

I think the best explanation is they just made it up to take the pressure off Biden's failed response.