I fail to understand the logic of coming into someone's thread, and condemning everything you see. Some people have nothing better to do than to split hairs, over 5% of what might be wrong over the 95% that might be right. Your one of the people in the world that can only see the dark side of anything, and the only attention you seek is negative, really feel for you dude, you present a sad case for what this forum truly represents.
Like I said before, put your money where your expertise lies, since you seem to hold so much of it. anytime, any place, any amount, and sport.
I simply hate negativity, and would completely respect you stay completely out of my threads in the future. Why don't you share your "self imposed" extensive knowledge with the rest of the forum, start your own thread, and share what you have to offer? You apparently have plenty to offer, but all that you serve up is negativity. This is ridiculous.
Do you think I purposely avoided the 1st 3 years? My data didn't go back that far, and obviously this sytem interested you, to the point of going back and doing anything and everything to refute it. What a loser! I feel sorry for you dude, when you can spend countless hours, trying to garner something to show negativity, instead of productivity. You use big words, and are head smart, so why do you choose to use that to show your own ignorance? Why don't you spend hours coming up with something that can benefit others here, instead of spending countless hours to try to pioson any written words. Sorry my man, that is counter-intelligence, and a total waste of energy.
Lastly, so if it is 110-2 my friend, is that supposed to be a negative point as you present it? Because the last time I looked 98.2% and 2 losses in 17 yrs would put substantial money in your pocket. That's what kills me, your point is to try to show how bad it is, but you go back and prove how good it is.
You have so much to say my friend, here is a chance for you to share all your gambling knowledge, which could likely be found stored on the head of a pin with others.
Speak up and offer something that comes from your gambling prowess, and share it with me and others here, we are all waiting because your an apparent genius that we all could benefit from, so here is your chance to spew something we can all benefit from
We are patiently waiting?