mr merlin
EOG Master
This thread shows multiple angles of the shooting as well as when and where each victim was and was hit.
Agree, I thought she was fukin awful.
damnCan't believe Donald Jr is going to marry her. The YT comments are really funny. People saying she had bad plastic surgery and too much botox. Her voice is horrible as well.
I honestly had no idea who she was....she was half way hot on Fox, great legs and they made sure they showed them during that roundtable she looks like one of those reality mob wives overdone with Botox injections.
She's a nasty, slutty whore who can obviously suck like a champ and lets men do anything to her. Lots of rich guys want that because that's all they want and will dump her later on anyway.You Never Knew She Use To Be Married To Gavin Newsome ?
You Never Knew She Use To Be Married To Gavin Newsome ?
She's a nasty, slutty whore who can obviously suck like a champ and lets men do anything to her. Lots of rich guys want that because that's all they want and will dump her later on anyway.
She's a nasty, slutty whore who can obviously suck like a champ and lets men do anything to her. Lots of rich guys want that because that's all they want and will dump her later on anyway.
She was sexting when working at Fox...slut is a understatement. I believe she was accused of sexual harassment which led to her dismissal.
Who Did She Harass ?
Very Rare For a Female To Be Charged With That.
She's not shy, lol, that's kind of a turn on.Her female assistant at Fox, from her complaint:
"According to Mayer, Guilfoyle was abruptly booted from Fox News’ The Five well before her contract was up after her former assistant filed a complaint alleging she “was frequently required to work at Guilfoyle’s New York apartment while the Fox host displayed herself naked, and was shown photographs of the genitalia of men with whom Guilfoyle had had sexual relations":
Her female assistant at Fox, from her complaint:
"According to Mayer, Guilfoyle was abruptly booted from Fox News’ The Five well before her contract was up after her former assistant filed a complaint alleging she “was frequently required to work at Guilfoyle’s New York apartment while the Fox host displayed herself naked, and was shown photographs of the genitalia of men with whom Guilfoyle had had sexual relations":
The sad thing is Biden never see's stuff like this, he's completely sheltered and in a bubble of delusion, which is why he made the ridiculous statement to stephanopolis to "look at the crowds I get, who gets crowds like that"?
He's a fucking numbnut. Kane has as good of a shot as Hillary does to be the dem nominee. I mean Hillary already lost to trump once lol.
He's a fucking numbnut. Kane has as good of a shot as Hillary does to be the dem nominee. I mean Hillary already lost to trump once lol.
If you look around a little harder there might be 1 or 2 more political threads you can put this same post in. FTR one was enough lol.go look what your lord and savior TRUMP did to increase the deficit. it DOUBLED under him!
just like Reagan where national debt went up 4x from when he took over from Dummy Jimmy Carter
men playing women's sports and vice versa? if it is NOT the WNBA or any female sport that matters then who fukking cares ??
ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS commit fewer crimes per capital than USA Born citizens. FACT !!!
ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS take jobs that we USA born white collar and business owners do NOT WANT !
they keep inflation down !!
Hail Unkraine! Israel and Hamas ceasefire coming under Joe's watch.
MORE has gone up than just my primary and investment property value !!!
She looks like Steven Tyler now.I honestly had no idea who she was....she was half way hot on Fox, great legs and they made sure they showed them during that roundtable she looks like one of those reality mob wives overdone with Botox injections.
Homie trolling but he lacks the knack to make it effective.homie on a full forum, full thread blitz to get the elation out.
reaction from sbr:
Still funny no matter many different threads you post that in