Is Scott Rabucco Dell Dude?

Dell Dude

EOG Master
Could be saying Collin Rugg is attacking Laura for telling the Truth Social. Could be saying Collin Rugg is being attacked for fact checking Laura.


EOG Dedicated

Dell Dude

EOG Master
Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. The reason Dems and media want Joe out is because they now know it's a fake Joe inserted by Trump to expose the deep state. I have no idea howid they didn't know until now but it makes cents. The Suddenly pivot happened like a flickering candle.


EOG Dedicated
contrast biden with trump at a cleveland church. to be fair biden likely would have not been so out of it back in '16 ...


Dell Dude

EOG Master
Remember that Joe Rambo YouTube with Hunter announcing guilty please during Biden speech. Was official White House YouTube. Explain that. This was before everything.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
Brad is a fucking asshole who used to be a studio personality. Not surprising he became Co Co's coach. Just means he doesn't have to pretend to be neutral. He stood up and applauded Slutty when she beat Ryby in the Assy final. I did not and will not ever forget that. Motherfucker. Same as George 💩 on all of us playing both sides of the counter.


Dell Dude

EOG Master
This idiot hasn't read one word of Project 2025. He is repeating whatever MSDNC is programming into his sponge brain.

BO: Winning POTUS Party: Democrats +125, Joe Biden +200 (If matched up against Der Fuhrer)
Gov Races: North Carolina: Dems -400
FD: Georges Mikautadze Golden Boot +950

As for the above...........I don't think people quite understand what is going to happen the next 4 months when more people start finding out about: Project 2025. Once people realize if implemented DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA CEASES TO EXIST AND WE BECOME NORTH FUCKING KOREA............I expect a groundswell of ire and outrage and swings states seeing the Democrat pull ahead because people will vote for Biden because they do not want to see Project 2025 implemented.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
I don't post this lightly. Joe Joe is coming to a dramatic and Suddenly end and 90% it involves national security. Since he's not leaving or quiting, it is inevitable. His deterioration is happening at an extreme rate. No chance he makes it to November much less January. Laura broke an accurate story. Tracy Beanz is a fake twanny whore.