Circa Survivor - Thanksgiving Weekend


EOG Master
in Hawaii and utterly depressed about the Lions loss knocking me out. I think I saw a way to week 20 if I got out of Turkey day, but I didn't. Next year, crying in Hawaii on vacation/


EOG Veteran
The rule sheet is very long.

Do winning entries need to go 20-0 (18 weeks + Thanksgiving + Christmas) or can someone win if they are the last entry standing before the last week of regular season?

TIA for spoonfeeding me.


EOG Master
The rule sheet is very long.

Do winning entries need to go 20-0 (18 weeks + Thanksgiving + Christmas) or can someone win if they are the last entry standing before the last week of regular season?

TIA for spoonfeeding me.
last entry standing, does not have to be 20 weeks
"Pro" tip for navigating these long, lawyerly contest rules . . . once the long rules .pdf opens in Adobe after you clicked on the "Contest Rules" link on the sportsbook website, then, in Adobe:

(a) click on "Edit" in the toolbar at the top of the screen, and then

(b) scroll down and click on "Advanced Search."

That search dialog box will allow you to term search your way fairly quickly to what you're looking for. Your search terms are highlighted both in the search dialog box (which is why I use the advanced search rather than the other search option) and in the rules .pdf itself.

My nerdy contribution for the day, but I use that feature all the time to check back on things in the sundry rules during contest season. (As well as in navigating through all the extraneous BS in IRS publications for tax season, etc., etc., etc.)


EOG Master
I had Packers and Saints quad up for this weekend, still so sad I boxed myself into Detroit on Turkey day instead of saving Dallas. I am hitting the games straight and hard though. Until next year


EOG Master
Only 13 alive going into Week 15. Equity per entry is $712,846.15.


Bow Tie Cabaret-1
Rod Beck Apples-2
Sorry Bookies-1
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TYVM Morgan William!!!
Only 13 alive going into Week 15. Equity per entry is $712,846.15.


Bow Tie Cabaret-1
Rod Beck Apples-2
Sorry Bookies-1

Spooky is: Adam Burke............100% sure of it

LAJoneser - if he wins - knowing his story - WOW!


TYVM Morgan William!!!
Hearing one team didn't agree to chop 400k and play out the rest for the 4mm

We might not know who it is.......but if the "Karma Gods" are watching this entry gets eliminated this week.

FWIW: The other 12 can still agree to do it and just hope that holdout gets eliminated.


EOG Master
the one who didnt want to chop was Goldenboy...a poker player.......the others tried to come up with something but couldnt......this was via A Numbers Game hour 1


TYVM Morgan William!!!
the one who didnt want to chop was Goldenboy...a poker player.......the others tried to come up with something but couldnt......this was via A Numbers Game hour 1

Here is remaining availability:

This ticket has left: ARI, ATL, CAR, CIN, DEN, GB, HOU, INDY, JAX, VEGAS, MIN, NE, NO, NYJ, PHI, PITT

Let's start breaking things down for him - Picks wise this is Week 16/20:

Week 16 (NFL Week 15): NO or ATL.............My guess: NO
Week 17 (NFL Week 16 - thru Sunday): Denver...........but EVERYONE left also has Denver left (LAJoneser is only one who took GB - and we know all about why this is the case)
Week 18 (Xmas games): Eagles............100% sure of it - he saved them for this day seeing he really has no one left to play but Philly (11/13 still have Philly left for this "Week")
Week 19 (NFL Week 17): Jacksonville - 100% sure of it - and he is the only one who has them (Hosting Carolina this week)
Week 20: (NFL Week 18: Who knows because we do not know what teams will have nothing to play for and rest everyone. If Philly can rest everyone - they will - making NYG a solid play. Trying to guess who someone will take this week is impossible until we see what each team's playoff chances/seeding is


EOG Master
I heard this discussed on FTM this morning: You just 1099 everyone who gets part of the chop. It might be a pain in the ass but it has to be done.

Circa has said many times that they don't recognize or distribute funds based on a chop. Only the original entries (survivor(s)) get paid.


EOG Master
they 1099 each other

Yeah, and survivor(s) would also have to file any state / local income tax forms that apply to those eliminated. I wouldn't envy a sole survivor who has to cut 12 1099's plus various state forms and then explain in his IRS audit how he took in $9.2M and then had to pay out $8.5M. The tax attorney fees might substantially cut into the profits.
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EOG Master
Yeah, and survivor(s) would also have to file any state / local income tax forms that apply to those eliminated. I wouldn't envy a sole survivor who has to cut 12 1099's plus various state forms and then explain in his IRS audit how he took in $9.2M and then had to pay out $8.5M. The tax attorney fees might substantially cut into the profits.
agree, just hedge moneylines as you go.


EOG Master
Joe Peta , using BowTieCabaret as an example, provided a way for 5% of the intrinsic value.....cost would be $61400

Its during the last 10 mins of ANG hour 1


TYVM Morgan William!!!
Circa has said many times that they don't recognize or distribute funds based on a chop. Only the original entries (survivor(s)) get paid.

Right but that still doesn't mean a side agreement can't be reached - without Circa knowing - or caring


EOG Master
Right but that still doesn't mean a side agreement can't be reached - without Circa knowing - or caring

My point is that with Circa not participating, there is a lot of work to be done by the winners to distribute the chop. Since one entrant declined, all the discussion became a waste of time until perhaps the weeks ahead. Much simpler to just do a ML hedge.


TYVM Morgan William!!!
where did they say this? why do you think Circa won't get involved with chopping or arrangements all agree to?

Mike Palm comes on Follow The Money every Thursday during the last hour and said they have received credit line requests and are willing to do it.

Mike - and Derek - and Jeff - and everyone at Circa said they are only going to pay out 1 winner (or multiple if more run the table) and any chops are between those involved - not Circa. From a liability standpoint this is the 100% RIGHT thing to do. Now any lawsuits that might take place between those chopping does not involve Circa.


EOG Master
so anyone chopping has to rely on the word of a fellow contestant? There is no legally enforceable instrument , hard pass for me.


TYVM Morgan William!!!
so anyone chopping has to rely on the word of a fellow contestant? There is no legally enforceable instrument , hard pass for me.

No. Odds are those involved will draw up some sort of a contract among all taking part and if one person tries to renege on it - they will face holy hell in court...which is why Curca wants no part of it
And, technically, oral contracts can be valid and legally enforceable in many contexts -- assuming the trier of fact later finds that the oral contract existed. "He said, she said" is not a rule of law. It's just a reflection of the practical reality that if it's somebody's word against someone else's, it'll come down to who the trier of fact believes, with the plaintiff in a lawsuit typically having the burden of proof and persuasion on most issues. (And it's also a facile way for the police to sluff off a citizen's complaint/crime report that they don't want to pursue/prosecute. Trust me, if they want to pursue a prosecution, the fact that it's a "he said, she said" situation won't stop them from doing so.)

But, for this Survivor situation, it definitely would be foolish to not have a written contract spelling everything out, including such persnickity details like choice of forum, venue, and choice of law for any later dispute -- where you may well have chop participants spread across multiple states.

And they have limited time each week to herd all the cats to make a final agreement. We're already now in the second game of this NFL week, and their selections are due I believe at 4PM PT today.

This contest draws a lot of attention because of all the win-or-go-home drama involved each week, but to me it's like buying $1000-a-pop lotto tickets. I'd rather put the money into the side handicapping contests where I have a somewhat better chance to win -- such as that is. And I certainly wouldn't want to be dealing with all the distraction while trying to pick five side winners against the contest numbers.

Great drama to watch, but I wouldn't want the distraction from what's already a tough enough nut to crack in the side handicapping contests.
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. . . well, and then there's possibly having to chase down the nominal winner in who-knows-which-state to collect.

You can try cutting them off at the wellhead by seeking to enjoin Circa from paying out the winner without sufficient guarantees of payment to the other choppers. But Circa of course will say that we're following the rules that were published for all to see before the contest started, that we don't recognize chops, and as the line from Pulp Fiction goes "my name is Paul [which actually was the name of the character and actor] and this is between ya'll." And the court -- on what is Circa's home turf -- most likely would agree with Circa.

Leaving the choppers to chase the nominal winner -- and the possibly rapidly dwindling and/or hidden/secreted prize money -- in lord knows where -- possibly even in a state that does not enforce gambling obligations on contra bonos mores grounds. [Court in Podunk: "You folks need to take your problem to a Nevada court; we don't recognize gambling-related obligations in this gret stet. Oh you did? Well, that's what we call in the law, shit outta luck. Ya'll have a nice day. Joan, please call the next case."]

For every one of these potential complications, think more and more and more legal fees -- in more and more jurisdictions requiring additional local lawyers and/or lawyers outright refusing the case, even on a contingency agreement, because it's clusterfucked from the getgo.

2 CIN -- in the clubhouse for the week, but shooting Patron after that OT win



1 GB

1 N.O.

1 SF

0 No Pix (as if, but ya' never know . . . )

Bow Tie Cabaret-1 4. BENGALS PK



IndianaJet-4 24. RAMS PK




Peyos-1 4. BENGALS PK

Rod Beck Apples-2 24. RAMS PK

Sorry Bookies-1 16. TITANS PK

SouthSide-8 14. PACKERS PK

