Why the order of posts is all wiggy



Ah, yes ... just like that.

Apparently I am hooked up to the server on the slowest timer, Glaken to the fastest.

Good stuff.



Why the order of posts is all wiggy

Just a heads-up to let everyone know what's going on with this issue.

We are using a load-balance server, which is essentially two servers connected to one another. This is to prevent a site shutdown should we get high in traffic. When we reach certain numbers of simultaneous page loads, the server automatically transfers new traffic to the alternate server.

Our problem right now is that these two servers are set to two different times. We don't know why this is, as all windows-based platforms are supposed to be on a universal clock. We are only noticing this problem now as our traffic has risen enough to require the second server. I have spoken with our hosting company who are looking into it tonight.

This should be fixed shortly. I apologise for the obvious pain in the rump this is causing.