The Obama Resistance Grows

The Obama Resistance Grows

By Lee Cary

Spontaneous, uncoordinated, passionate -- citizen resistance to Obama socialism grows by the day.

America is no stranger to resistance. The nation was born from citizen resistance that had mixed support among the colonists. About one in five was loyal to the King. Some of the bitterest fighting in the American Revolution was between Loyalists and Patriots. And all of it was between Americans in the Civil War. We know how to resist.

There was a spontaneous resistance after December 7, 1941. It shook America out of its flirtation with isolationism. In that case, it was largely Republican politicians who were slow to see the danger from international tyrants. Edwin Bodley of East Chicago, IndianaObama Resistance was a junior in engineering at Purdue University when he joined the students who, upon hearing the news of Pearl Harbor, spilled out of their dormitories in a spontaneous demonstration of resistance. The next day Edwin enlisted in the Air Force. After flying 56 missions over the "Hump," he volunteered to go back to the war and rescue downed flyers in the Pacific. Lieutenant Bodley died on August 13, 1945, hours before the war ended, the navigator on the last US crew aircraft lost to hostile action in World War II. The resistance never died in him. His name was Legion for there were many like him in those days.

So we Americans understand resistance. We don't hunger to engage in it. We can be slow to respond to the non-violent circumstances that provoke it. But once it begins, it takes its own course among us. Like water pulled by gravity seeking its own level. It's happening now.

The internet has shortened the gestation period for resistance. Nearly every day a new video surfaces on the web showing an angry crowd of ordinary citizens talking back to their member of Congress, or to some Cabinet person, as the pol morphs from confident and officious to stunned and stupefied. (Obama's czars, on the other hand, like their Russian predecessors, never face public scrutiny. They butterfly float in an ether world of inbreed wonkishness in search of purpose, doing who knows what. Hopefully, little.)

The April 15th Tea Parties, belittled by the legacy media, were collectively the coming-out event of a new American resistance. The cause then was out-of-control government spending. Today, it's shifted to a wider focus on Obama's brand of socialism for America. When the cover of the February 16, 2009 issue of Newsweek proclaimed "We Are All Socialists Now," it was a barely visible comet streaking across a news cycle. Not now. "Like hell we are!" is the Obama Resistance 2rising antiphonal response today as a litany of proposed socialist legislation lines up in Congress.

Barack, Nancy, Harry, Rahm, Barney, Waxman et al have been cattle-driving a legislative cramdown since the TARP bill passed in George W. Bush's final days. They mistook victory against a tepid Republican presidential candidate for a mandate to reconstitute the United States of America. Slow to awaken, her citizens now grow angrier. It's not the loss of land and lives they fear, but of freedoms. Accustomed to trusting any new president, they're quickly losing confidence in this one. Seduced by his artful use of the spoken word, they're growing attuned to the nuances within his words. When he begins a sentence with "Let me be clear about this," our listening becomes acute, for it's not clarity that often follows, but evasiveness through circuitous parsing.

As members of Congress go home for recess it won't be to playground games. Some will hide from their constituents, not wanting to face them. Why bother? They plan to vote as Rahm and their party leaders tell them anyway, for their only ideology is to remain in power. Others will think, "The people have short memories; soon they'll be back watching reruns of Law & Order." They'll underestimate the resistance. Meanwhile, the legacy media will attribute it to right-wingers and belligerent extremists incited by their demonized arch enemies, conservative talk show hosts. They don't get it either.

Others, the bolder pols, will face their constituents and be so foolish as to presume to tell them what they, the voters, should think. Tell them what's good for them, whether they know it or not. This will be a mistake. Unless they represent the uniforObama Resistance 3mly like-minded, these members of Congress will face spirited resistance. More of it than most will have encountered in their political careers. When it comes, their faces will assume fault lines of shock-and-awe in the face of citizen audacity. Some will paper over it with thin smiles and louder talk. That won't work.

Vocal opposition from their constituents differs from what they're accustomed to hearing from colleagues on the floor of the House or Senate. There it's, "I respectfully take exception to the position expressed by the honorable member from the state of bla bla bla." The ruling class speaks the language of the ruling class when citizens might be watching on C-SPAN. But in the public forum, people speak plainly, in a language with which some members of Congress are not used to being addressed. The resistance doesn't speak Beltway.

Regardless of the decibel-level of the opposition to Obamacare and Cap & Tax that Congress hears back home, many will return to their Safe Zone inside the Capital and vote against the wishes of their constituents. They are, after all, wiser and more knowledgeable in these matters than the voters. They may chose not to give us the government we want, but the government they think we should want. And would want, if we knew what was good for us. Such is the timeless arrogance of power.

If that happens, stand-by. For the American resistance will continue to mount, and soon begin to register on the Richter scale.

Obama Resistance 4


EOG Veteran
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

what you fail to understand is that president obama was honestly and overwhelmingly elected. if he is all that you say, why didn't you and yours rise up at election time?
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

"JoeC" was unable to "rise up at election time" because - as a Canadian citizen - he is not permitted to vote in elections held within the USA.
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

Unfortunately for the universe inhabited by the twenty-percenters--of whom joey fervently wishes he could join--a lie repeated often enough becomes a truth. . .Ergo, the zany-fringe wackjobs might actually think any of this tomfoolery is true. . .
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

what you fail to understand is that president obama was honestly and overwhelmingly elected.

You call 52% "overwhelmingly elected" (half of which are now having HUGE buyer's remorse not even one year into his only term)?

if he is all that you say, why didn't you and yours rise up at election time?

We did.

Virtually all my friends and family "rose up" -- in cyberspace and real space -- knocking on doors, putting signs on lawns, passing out buttons, arguing with retards on the net, townhalls...

Unfortunately, it's hard to win on the issues when half the country is hypnotized by a cult.



EOG Dedicated
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

<HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message --><!-- message --><EMBED src= width=425 height=344 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowScriptAccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></EMBED>


EOG Dedicated
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

If the resistance is as big as the teabaggers then look out:LMAO:LMAO
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

Virtually all my friends and family "rose up" -- in cyberspace and real space -- knocking on doors, putting signs on lawns, passing out buttons,

Yeah, but doing all that in Toronto, Canada is kind of a big waste of time when discussing an election in The United States of America

Stop being a pussy and man up to being Canadian.


EOG Dedicated
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

Yeah, but doing all that in Toronto, Canada is kind of a big waste of time when discussing an election in The United States of America

Stop being a pussy and man up to being Canadian.
Soon we will be seeing him tell brucefan he hit a home run if you know what I mean:cheers
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

Notice how the loons and goons on the left have to resort to ad hominem attacks (or violence!!), because they can't win on the issues?

By the end of Hussein's only term, even people in Taxachuesetts will be climbing over themselves to vote Republican!



EOG Dedicated
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

Who is the ones sending out e-mails and telling people to go to these town hall meetings and telling them to disrupt them??????????????????????Now tell me again about debating and talking about the issues.
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

Notice how regardless of how many times "JoeC" pretends to be American, not a single poster at either EOG or the RxForum is buying it?


EOG Dedicated
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

"In the tank" (for the Marxist),

Your definition of "fraud" is anyone who doesn't agree with El Presidente's agenda.

Once again you get owned and this is all you have??:LMAOThe Canadian fraud has no answer for this except this??:LMAO
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

As always, "In the tank" (for the Marxist) can't/won't debate the thread topic and instead goes of on some incoherent rampage -- like the thugs who beat up a patriotic citizen because he had the temerity to ask "questions" about Hussein's Nazi health care plan. 2938u4ji23

Notice how only the far left Saul Alinsky brownshirts claim I'm "Canadian". Even the folks center-left don't believe that tired accusation anymore. :doh1

Notice also how I ignore these boring ad hominem attacks and fire back with substance, unlike "In the tank" (for the Marxist). :+textinb3

:finger004 Notice who's threads get the maximum number of views. :finger004

For the record, I only post here cause my friends at the RX requested I do so after my lifetime ban, because "Manny" the manic :snort: couldn't handle all the attention I was getting every time I disemboweled his vile pet causes. So this is his way of "getting even", so to speak -- while he's on Ignore!



EOG Dedicated
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

As always, "In the tank" (for the Marxist) can't/won't debate the thread topic and instead goes of on some incoherent rampage -- like the thugs who beat up a patriotic citizen because he had the temerity to ask "questions" about Hussein's Nazi health care plan. 2938u4ji23

Notice how only the far left Saul Alinsky brownshirts claim I'm "Canadian". Even the folks center-left don't believe that tired accusation anymore. :doh1

Notice also how I ignore these boring ad hominem attacks and fire back with substance, unlike "In the tank" (for the Marxist). :+textinb3

:finger004 Notice who's threads get the maximum number of views. :finger004

For the record, I only post here cause my friends at the RX requested I do so after my lifetime ban, because "Manny" the manic :snort: couldn't handle all the attention I was getting every time I disemboweled his vile pet causes. So this is his way of "getting even", so to speak -- while he's on Ignore!

Um I am debating the issues and making you look stupid in the process.
The title of this thread is the Obama resistance....My last 3 posts have shown you that it is a organized effort by the tea baggers and the 20% GOP nut cases. I noticed you have not touched one of those?
As far as the RX when I was there I do not remember you having very many friends and you was a joke to them just like you are here.Of course most thought you was Canadian because you said so a lot of times. It was when you started to claim you was American is when you became the joke. Honesty is the best policy and you should try it sometime.You have brought this on yourself and have no one to blame but yourself.The GOP prides itself on honesty so man up.


EOG Dedicated
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

Tea Party Organizer Dana Loesch: No One Told Us to Show Up To Town Halls

By Heather Sunday Aug 09, 2009 9:00am
<embed src="" background="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="dp=2009/08&mid=9348&controller=video&model=flv&movieLength=219.943&mediatitle=Tea+Party+Organizer+Dana+Loesch%3A+No+One+Told+Us+to+Show+Up+To+Town+Halls&embedkey=&nodelink=" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="transparent" width="400" height="336">

PLAYS: (1271)

From Greta Van Sustern's show Thursday night after the mess at Russ Carnahan's town hall meeting. Dana Loesch claims she's just an ordinary person showing up at these town halls to speak her mind and no one told her or any of the rest of them to show up. Just one problem with that. She's one of the ones telling others to show up, actively promoting these protests on her web site, on her Twitter page, and she works for 97.1 FM Talk in St. Louis, Mo., which has a big flashing banner across the front of its web site right now on how to get more info on town hall meetings.
And no one has ever said that the majority of the people showing up at these protests are not really genuinely angry Americans. We've just pointed out who the ones are whipping them into a frenzy with misinformation, like you, your radio station, Fox News, right wing blogs, and your Tea Bagger organization.

More fraud from the so called resistance:LMAO:LMAO''they just happened to show up'':LMAO:LMAO
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

Yep, only "Fox News right wing blogs" and "tea baggers" hate this Nazi health care plan!

Oh my: New WSJ poll shows support for ObamaCare tanking; Update: ?This is a president who needs a vacation? posted at 8:22 pm on July 29, 2009 by Allahpundit
<small> Share on Facebook | printer-friendly </small>

Granted, the NYT poll that?s also out tonight shows him considerably stronger on the issue, but even there you?ve got massive majorities saying they?re concerned that the cost of care will go up (59 percent) and the quality of care will go down (69 percent). And like I say, that?s the ?good? poll.
Here?s the one we?re concerned with.
In mid-June, the public was evenly divided when asked whether it thought Mr. Obama?s health plan was a good idea or bad idea. The new poll, conducted July 24-27, found 42% calling it a bad idea versus 36% who said it was a good idea. Among those with insurance, the portion calling the plan a bad idea rose to 47% from 37%?
On health care, there was another worrisome sign for the president: Only two in 10 people predicted the quality of their own care would improve under the Obama plan, and just 15% of those with private insurance thought it would. Twice as many overall, and three times as many with private coverage, predicted their own care would get worse.
Not only is he now in net negative territory on the subject?

?but note the swing among from April to July between those who don?t have an opinion to those who expect care will deteriorate. All the more reason to cherish the August recess as a chance to further educate the public about the plan.

Here?s an especially amazing shift. Look how many people have reoriented towards worries about rationing in just the past month.

I know it?s uncharacteristic, but I?m actually feeling a frisson of ? optimism, dare I say it. The whole survey?s almost unvarnished good news. Almost:

Update: A runner-up for quote of the day from one of the pollsters who conducted this survey:
?This is a president who needs a vacation,? says Democratic pollster Peter D. Hart, who conducted the survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff. ?His job rating is ? certainly an acceptable mark. But if you look at it over time, it has [gone] south without a doubt.??
But the poll, McInturff says, makes it clear that Obama ? who had been gliding above the partisan fray ? has come back down to earth. Conservatives and Republicans have moved away from him, while his numbers in the South and Midwest have declined.
?The question I asked back in February was: When does political gravity take hold?? he said. ?The answer is in this survey. It is happening right now.?


Notice how the Kool-Aid drinking statist nutjobs are in total panic and denial?

Every time We The People gather to protest this massive unconstitutional power grab, we're "insurance lobbyists", "Fox News viewers" or "right wing bloggers"....

Newsflash to Hussein's brownshirts:


It's only gonna get worse.



EOG Dedicated
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

Another nut case that has no clue.Boy that resistance sure is a well oiled machine.Poor babies.Just like the guy that threw the first punch and got his ass kicked...poor baby.

FNS: McConnell Says Democrats Criticizing Disruptive Astro-Turf Protesters Misses The Point

By Nicole Belle Sunday Aug 09, 2009 3:00pm

<embed src="" background="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="dp=2009/08&mid=9355&controller=video&model=flv&movieLength=176&mediatitle=Wallace%3A+Democrats+accuse+protesters+of+using+Nazi+tactics&embedkey=&nodelink=" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="transparent" width="400" height="336">

PLAYS: (594)

(h/t David at Video Cafe) Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the latest in GOP talking points trying to take the conversation off what health care reform really means to Americans:
MCCONNELL: Well, look. I think attacking citizens in our country for expressing their opinions about an issue of this magnitude may indicate some weakness in their position on the merits.
That makes sense. If you are troubled by being likened to Nazis, being shouted down and mobbed by people bussed in to be disruptive or having you or your staffers threatened, then it's your position that's weak.
Really? Um, how about if you're so scared of honest facts (as opposed to scare tactics about euthanasia) that you need to shut down discussion, maybe it's your position that's weak? Of course, there was no discussion of weakness of merits when Bush required loyalty oaths during his Social Security-palooza tour. Consistency, the GOP rarely knows ye.


EOG Dedicated
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows


Notice how the Kool-Aid drinking statist nutjobs are in total panic and denial?

Every time We The People gather to protest this massive unconstitutional power grab, we're "insurance lobbyists", "Fox News viewers" or "right wing bloggers"....

Newsflash to Hussein's brownshirts:


It's only gonna get worse.

I am proving it is not we the people . It is the 20% nut jobs that are disrupting these meetings.

Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

These are the same Saul Alinsky union nutjobs who attack any citizen who dares to question their messiah. Someone asks a question, and their entire background is scrutinized, demonized and made public.

It's a familiar script straight out of the Third Reich!


Remember Joe the Plumber? What 'group' did he belong to? What was his crime?

Same old...same old....they can't win the debate, so they attack the messenger(s)!

Fucking union goon Nazis!!

Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

Silence the Opposition!

By Amy L. Geiger-Hemmer
Aug. 6, 2009

From The White House web site:

"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can?t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we?re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to"

Yes, you read that correctly. The Orwellian White House wants to silence the opposition to Obama's Health Care reform proposal. They want names!

American citizens should narc on those who disagree with The One. Who doesn't like Obama's plan!?! Let the White House know! Isn't this simply ironic, coming from a President who, during the presidential campaign, told us he wanted to unite the country - and he wanted to listen to both sides?

That was then, this is now. Democratic tyranny reigns in the White House. The neophyte man-child posing as a President doesn't care that most Americans do NOT want his health care proposal. (52% at last count.)

Another startling statistic is that 80% of Americans who do have their own health care want to keep it - they don't want the government plan!

Besides, the bill, HR3200, actually has very little to do with "health" or "care." The main intent of Obamacare is to allow the government to take over and control more of our lives. To take away more of our freedoms. The bill is bad - plain and simple.

(Read the bill for yourself, since most of the politicians in Washington, DC, have not:
HR 3200:

The Liberty Council dissects HR3200 and points out the many questionable and/or frightening passages:

To his credit, Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas), wrote a letter to President Obama asking him to disband the Internet Snitch program run out of the health care czar?s office:

Cornyn wrote: ?By requesting citizens send ?fishy? emails to the White House, it is inevitable that the names, email, addresses, IP addresses and private speech of U.S. citizens will be reported to the White House. You should not be surprised that these actions taken by your White House staff raise the specter of a data collection program.?

Senator Cornyn asked Obama to end this "Big Brother" activity right now - or at least tell the public what the President and the White House plan on doing with the information they collect.

Wonder how all those who were up in arms over President Bush's "warrantless wiretap program" after 9/11 will defend this? And remember, Bush's program targeted suspected terrorists who were making long distance phone calls between foreign countries and the United States. The program was designed as a tool to fight terrorism and protect the United States. People were bursting a blood vessel, claiming this program violated our rights! Well folks, here we have a program designed to turn in fellow Americans who DON'T LIKE Obama's Health Care reform proposal! Voice your opinion or state facts that contradict Obama - and you might be flagged! Whatever happened to the First Ammendment? Scary stuff, isn't it?

Maybe the reason Obama wants to remove the terrorists from Club Gitmo is to make room for those Americans who disagree with him?

(*I think I might be on Obama's "Most Wanted" list shortly....)





EOG Dedicated
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

:LMAO:LMAO:LMAOBig fonts, many pictures and wacky copy and paste from nut sites.Tonite is a grand slam.


EOG Dedicated
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

Um Joe that is not a snitch program.Just more fear and nonsense from the fringe right wing nut jobs.Sounds like the messiah is just tired of all the lying that the nuts are putting out there like yourself.
Remember when your hero Sarah said that old people would be put to death??:LMAO:LMAO
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

Msr Lanquel is in Full Manic cycle of his bipolar regimen....Next thing he'll be posting some of his specially bookmarked links to pics of old guys sucking cock


EOG Dedicated
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

He has been waiting all nite to post those pictures.Inhale Mark and take a deep breath.


EOG Dedicated
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

Come on Mark we need some more smilies from you to make it a grand night.
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

:LMAO:LMAO:LMAOBig fonts, many pictures and wacky copy and paste from nut sites.Tonite is a grand slam.

What you are is a contemptible un-American Nazi shill!


You think Hussein's "snitch program" is a laughing matter?

That's what they did in Nazi Germany, Stalin's Soviet Union, Mao's China, Castro's Cuba, Chavez's Venezuela...and every tyrannical third world shit hole in Africa, South America and the middle east!

You think your far left disinformation nutjob websites prove a goddamn thing?

:finger004 Americans died for FREEDOM OF SPEECH, A-S-S-H-O-L-E! :finger004

So no, it's not just the "20% fringers" you incessantly ridicule.

Every one of our constitutional liberties is under assault by this Nazi mad man -- EVERY ONE!


Meanwhile, Obama whores like you just sit there, chuckle, and lob whatever morsels of feces you can find in the most putrid internet sewers.

You the know the ones I'm talking about, don't ya? The ones bought and paid for by traitors who aren't even American (George Soros' "Factcheck", "Media Matters" etc.) Betcha weren't aware of that, "was ya" drone? :flatten

Some of us called the tyrant a Marxist from the very beginning. We were ridiculed...but were proven right.

Some of us called the tyrant a Nazi from the very beginning. We were ridiculed...but were proven right.

Some of us called him a Saul Alinsky clone from the very beginning. We were ridiculed...but were proven right.

We were all right.

But you...

What you are is a pathetic un-American Nazi shill....a brownshirt drone who is being used by a power-hungry modern Hitler -- the first in American history.

We are not afraid of you -- because we outnumber you.

We are organizing to defeat you in numbers so massive it will make the Reagan landslide of '84 seem like a flea fart.

Now, if I've just caused you to soil the lace on your panties, I'll tell you why comparing your RAT party to Nazis isn't hyperbole and 100% justified.

You, dipshit, (and thousands like you) are your fuhrer's propaganda czars.

Your ACORN group is the most reprehensible group of intimidators, frauds, and outright illegal voter registers to ever operate on our shores.

Your New Black Panthers as security guards at the polls leaves a bit of SS tactics to the imagination too, doesn't it?

Your SEIU members getting special treatment on attendance at town hall meetings, while omitting dissenting voices of We The People of The United States tells US that you don't care what your true bosses have to say.

Just like fast tracking a bill through Congress without reading it. And your own card carrying members going on record, saying "What's the use of reading it, no one would understand it anyway". 2348ji23e

And lastly, tankoid, your Kenyan impostor has a long laundry list of unsavory and anti-American radicals (Rev Wright, Tony Rezko, William Aires, Rashid Khalidi....the list never ends...)

Nazi? Communist? Fascist? They all fit. But I myself, won't use those other group names. To me, I'll use the word "TRAITOR".


Now, go crawl into a corner somewhere and STFU, you little corksucking little pussy. Cause, We The People of These United States are beginning to pull ourselves up by our boot-straps, found gonads that we haven't used in many many years, and finally are making our voices heard.

You and your ilk, slutbucket, had better hope that our voice is all you hear.

Push us a little further, and.............................Well, you get the drift, don't ya you pathetic little parasite?

Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

TANK wonders: What the hell would he (Obama's Most Wanted List) want a Canadian for????

Manny: hahahahaha...Well you know how Mark L spends hours every week posting to internet forums viewed by about ten people. A guy like that is a Real Organizer....Can't let him get too loose now...
Re: The Obama Resistance Grows

MARK vomits out his bipolar meds with: We are not afraid of you -- because we outnumber you!!

Manny: lol...Hey kid, "Mark Lanquel" and "JoeContrarian" are just one person. You only outnumber the healthy adult females in your own home.

Comedy Platinum