Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)


Uh Poster
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

The rules couldnt have been more clear, they were spelled out on Weds of last week and a thread made up with them in it..I even mentioned it at each table i was at each week..Do u really think i only want 17 players? Uh no thats not how i want it to work, but thats what it is this week and there is nothing i can do about it..I dont have access to just reopen up the tournament or enter u guys in myself, its all done by Bookmaker themself and they specifically said they need all the names and account numbers BY TUESDAY and thats how it goes or we are back to a password based tournament with any ghost who can obtain it can get it (and thats not gonna happen, this contest is for eog posters and thats all)

So on Friday the new thread will go up, please make sure to follow the rules in it so u are eligible to play next week..


Uh Poster
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

Bigdaddy i can lock this thread, but i dont want to, because each person who didnt follow the rules this week will now notice them as they say "in" and are not playing..They will comeback to this thread and complain and at that point should be how it now works, as it was pointed out last weds and a thread was introduced with it...


EOG Veteran
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

now we have to register in advance? A day early. PLEASE get the rules straight becvause this is getting ridiculous. 2 weeks we have to do it this way and then 2 weeks this way...etc. You have our info why not PM us and let us know about rule changes like this...especially EOG'ers who have been around a while??? How about next week?? Do we have to register now for the third tourney in November???


EOG Veteran
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

damn right I will complain... I go out of my way to point out poker freerolls at Bookmaker and post them on this site. I can't read every rule change on this JUMBLEd mess of a board Can I just say IN to every tournament now??? Jesus christ...getting old


Uh Poster
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

The rules had its own thread and stickied, if u didnt see it i'm sorry but every attempt was made to point them out..


EOG Dedicated
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

funny how these babies are crying sour grapes now..rules were there for everyone to see for a week..get over it and man up and follow the procedure for next week


Uh Poster
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

funny how these babies are crying sour grapes now..rules were there for everyone to see for a week..get over it and man up and follow the procedure for next week

i relize each week someone will complain and thats just the way it is, but what i find funny is someone in this thread who posted "in" today, posted in the thread with the new rules and said goodjob


EOG Master
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

thats why you need to lock the thread

to stop the fucking crying

its 1 week

next week get in on time.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

and for the record, the rules have been changing to try to eliminate ghosts and cheaters using multiple accounts..the password was clearly not working as far as fairness goes
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

so what is the point of this freeroll??? wasnt it to bring NEW PEOPLE TO FORUM LIKE ? i understand some regulars points but i dont check forum daily maybe i should and i guess will now but dont want this to be a chore ........its fun and entertaining but ?


EOG Dedicated
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

Don't worry tuck and big, the rules were clear and people had about 3 days to just say "in" (very little work involved). I am pretty sure most people are clear with the rules now and hopefully will say "in" for the thread this weekend


EOG Dedicated
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

And yes Hart, the point is that they want you to be on the forum more than 1 day a week (i.e. each wednesday) to provide insight/opinions on lines of all sports


EOG Master
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

hook a brother up with a password.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

I applaud the effort. That being said, there will be a new set of rules to follow within 2 weeks. book it


EOG Master
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

i wish we had some warning about having to say in by monday. i'm here everyday and i'm almost at 6400 posts not like these guys with about 100. :doh1 now i have nothing to do tonight. :doh1 i never catch a break. :MADMAN:


EOG Veteran
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

what's hillarious is there are 17 players and you don't have the game to play against more...just want the automatic cash(no confidence....because if you would open it up and make sure that the rules are crystal clear for next week.good luck with nothing...what a joke

This is *uckin ridiculous Big Daddy and Tuckman are doing everything possible to make sure they are both in the money. It has been enter til 9PM each week now they change it up, so they can cash.


EOG Veteran
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

and they are bumping the post count higher and higher each week to exclude people that want to get in also


EOG Veteran
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

looks like they want to have 17 people so the 2 organizers can maybe cash


EOG Veteran
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

they change and add to the rules every week some people that like to play have other things to do (MLB,NFL,NCAA, etc ....) than check rule changes every few hours


EOG Veteran
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

how early do we have to register for next week? Can I say I'm in for next week right now? if so I'm In for next week


EOG Veteran
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

Big Daddy is deperate to cash :LMAO


EOG Dedicated
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

Glad to see you doubled your post count by whining over and over again easygoer


Uh Poster
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

there is no password, its impossible for late registrations after the deadline..Its not like i personally signed up everyone myself, Bookmaker did and never once gave me a password of any sort or never will any week...

funny nobody was complaining last week when you were one of the 50 people in it as the ghosting had just about stopped except for the obvious 5-7 people, u guys loved not having to deal with the all in from people who wouldnt even qualiify...People got turned away last week that were 15 minutes late as a week changes everything when u dont get signed up ontime, let the flooding of complaining begin...


EOG Addicted
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

we had 50 last week and that was great. the new rule got by at least 70% of the regulars. I dont see why it needed to be further regulated.

El Kabong

EOG Member
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

I love watching this implode. Your pissing your loyal veterans off.
A few selfish, internet tough guys with just enough clout to make rules to keep people out of a poker tounament, making it very clear this forum is not a very welcome place to be. Its backfiring on you, Your not just keeping them out of the tounament you're chasing them away from the forum. Good Job!2938u4ji23
I use to lurk a lot on the football forum. I could jump through your hoops and post mindlessly like some but thats not me.
You idiots are actually causing some people to not post.:doh1


EOG Master
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)


you might not be allowed in any of them.


EOG Master
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

I love watching this implode. Your pissing your loyal veterans off.
A few selfish, internet tough guys with just enough clout to make rules to keep people out of a poker tounament, making it very clear this forum is not a very welcome place to be. Its backfiring on you, Your not just keeping them out of the tounament you're chasing them away from the forum. Good Job!2938u4ji23
I use to lurk a lot on the football forum. I could jump through your hoops and post mindlessly like some but thats not me.
You idiots are actually causing some people to not post.:doh1

dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out


EOG Addicted
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

judging by the amount of ins posted after the 6pm deadline and yes i was in at 6:04 pm. i am not sure people saw the "revised" their anyway to turn on notifications on this forum when posting or revising a post? most forums send an email when somone replies to a post as a default..not here and even in the options i am not sure how to turn this on other wise i would have seen the revisions or at least the replies
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

i guess they didn't put me in, i still see 17, account pm'd weeks ago and posted in before deadline. O well


EOG Veteran
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 20th week)

I'm not trying to cause trouble, but I think these extra rules are kind of excessive. I understand that you want to get rid of ghosts, but that problem wasn't bad last week and it was clear that even if they managed to get in the wrong way they wouldn't get paid.