O.J. Simpson dead at the age of 76


EOG Dedicated
first prominent black athlete to get major endorsements, even Tareyton cigarettes while at USC ...


EOG Master
Talk about a roller coaster life

Great football player

Interesting career in movies and commercials

Double murder


The end


EOG Master
You ever go to the market and get that fake orange juice?

That was OJ...he was the 'Sunny Delight' in social circles.

I was friends with a gal that sold him alcohol for some restaurant venture he was involved with. She met OJ a few times (lunch) re business. He always brought a different woman while married to Nicole. She never met Nicole.

That was 'The Juice'...

mr merlin

EOG Master
You ever go to the market and get that fake orange juice?

That was OJ...he was the 'Sunny Delight' in social circles.

I was friends with a gal that sold him alcohol for some restaurant venture he was involved with. She met OJ a few times (lunch) re business. He always brought a different woman while married to Nicole. She never met Nicole.

That was 'The Juice'...
it's really not our place to judge the actions others might take concerning their marriage.


EOG Dedicated
I always thought OJ murdered Ron and Nicole
During a drug/cocaine fueled psychosis
Without Simpson’s
massive cocaine habit
The murders would not have occurred
And then of course after skating prison for the two murders he obviously committed
( dishonorable )Judge Jackie Glass
Gave him a ridiculous draconian prison sentence for in essence stealing
Cards and memorabilia that were attached to him
In One of the biggest make up calls ever


EOG Master
The Goldman family collected about $130,000 from O.J. Simpson after a $33.5 million civil judgment.

Interesting....I didn't know they got anything. He fought like crazy to protect his NFL pension.

Juice is also infamous when living in Florida for lifting a neighbors cable without paying.

mr merlin

EOG Master
I have an unpopular opinion concerning O.J. Simpson's criminal murder case.

The jury came back with a "not guilty" verdict.

Respect the call.
You certainly have that right, I guess i no longer have respect for the system, so I cant respect the verdict or the jury.

boston massacre

EOG Master
The Goldman family collected about $130,000 from O.J. Simpson after a $33.5 million civil judgment.

That 33.5 Million Dollar Judgement Is Over 100 Million Currently.

Interest Kicks in on Those Judgements When Unpaid.

They Might Grab A Few Million More, When His Estate Goes into Probate Court.


EOG Master
O.J. was pretty good in the movie Killer Force aka Diamond Mercenaries in 1976. It starred my second favorite actor Telly Savalas who outshined everyone in the movie.



EOG Dedicated
Here's a very interesting article.
Would love to know what Jammer or Railbird think about it.

OMG- he’s back. Did the embarrassment of posting naked males on the website again wear off, or was your ban lifted?
You knew this poor guy couldn’t stay away.
When is the next “post the ticket and I’ll leave this site forever?”
EOG’s resident nut job returns!
Let me guess- I’m stalking you!
Dumpster Fire!


EOG Addicted
I have an unpopular opinion concerning O.J. Simpson's criminal murder case.

The jury came back with a "not guilty" verdict.

Respect the call.


BTW, the case was lost on two things: 1) mark fuhrman found the glove. no other detective or officer that night (there were 25 or so total officers who showed up on bundy) had anything on them like fuhrman did. 2) the case was moved from west LA to downtown (Gil Garcetti did this for political purposes)