Kodiak7: What you need to know about him

Re: Kodiak7: What you need to know about him

1-1 YTD

Temple -7


??? scratch your heads on Ariah comments above lol..

Mariah stop the drama nobody cares. you will not be allowed back on the list so stop emailing me and pleading to be allowed on. Stop Lieing you have been exposed over 3 dozen times in this thread alone... People don't listen to you or trust you so give it a rest son... How does my above post in anyway show me saying I made a profit???



EOG Dedicated
Re: Kodiak7: What you need to know about him

::LMAO::::LMAO::This list that does not exist::LMAO::::LMAO:: Try something different this year, post before the games start, use the line at time of posting, & keep an accurate/honest record. You certainly are a unique capper, not many can say they have done what you did while being tracked by 3 different people at the RX -1200 units(-$120,000) at 2,3, & 5 units per play(each unit=$100) over a 1.5 year time frame in all sports. You went 1-1 on Thurs at 10 units each , in the real world where in counts you lost 1 unit(-$100). Friday you won 10 units(+$1000) so now you are +$900 in cfb ytd, you only need to win another $119,100 and you will be even. Try & keep an honest/accuate record this year, I know it is very tough for someone like yourself that has a problem with honesty.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Kodiak7: What you need to know about him

A perfect example of kodiaks B/S is the line he posted for Wyoming, the lowest line available any place when he posted Wyoming was -12.5 & he uses -11. Another year just the same old B/S. He has been exposed once again.