Re: Help the Kids of Costa Rica
First of all I just want to thank everyone for their generosity and give an update of the current situation. Since this a community project that you are all a part of I want to completely open the books for you guys so you can see exactly where your money is going.
Amount Pledged so far $4,290
Playground cost -$3,000 *
Repairs/materials -$1,000
Formula Diapers -$2,556 *
Amount short of goal: 2266*
More Info:
*Playground cost - At this time I only can provide an approximation of playground cost at the moment, I apologize for that but I am waiting to hear back from a couple companies. I could easily be under-estimating the cost of this part of the project but probably not by more than 500-750 USD.
*Repairs Materials - The repairing of the basket ball goals, tether ball installation, swing repair, buidling of new soccer goals and light maintenance on the existing playground. This is also an approximation, hopefully it will cost less, every dollar will go towards the kids if there is anything left.
*Formula Diapers - The budget quoted above is based upon a 6 month goal, if enough support is gained we would like to do a years worth, here is the breakdown:
Item: 1 month 6 months 12 months
formula 210 //// 1260 //// 2520
diapers 216 //// 1296 //// 2592
TOTAL 426 //// 2556 //// 5112
*Amount needed - Things could run a little higher than my estimates, but if the amount isnt raised I will come out of pocket to make sure all projects are completed.
Unfortunately due to schedule conflicts things are not happening at the rate that I hoped, since this is a government institution timing is critical. Having said that things are moving along at a decent enough rate and things are looking very good so far.
Things already accomplished:
• 2 month supply of Formula and dietary supplements dropped off
• 2 month supply of medium sized adult Diapers dropped off
• 2 New basketball nets purchased and ready for installation
• 2 New Little Tyke baby swings purchased and installed
• 1 Tetherball set up purchased
• 1 high quality Soccer ball purchased
• 1 high quality Basketball purchased
Things that need to be done:
• Purchase Another 4-8 months supply of diapers and formula
• Install tetherball
• Bring in a welder to fix basketball and soccer goals
• Install hoop nets/repair 1 broken goal
• Build new soccer goals
• Purchase and install new wooden playground
• Repair existing swingsets and playground areas
More info to come as it becomes available. Thanks again for everyone’s support.