EOG Senior Member
$104.00 unfuckingbelievable
well its very hard to get someone to do a days work here..def agree
Amazing some people use stupid logic about oil being "imported" as meaning something. Guess what, oil costs the same in Venezuela, its a world market which sets the price. The government there then subsidizes the living shit out of it. Probably costs about 3-5 pennies a barrel to ship it to CR from there. If the CR government provided the same subsidies and didn't tax oil you'd have nice cheap prices.
exactly what i'm saying. costa rica taxes the shit out of everything here, yet the infrastructure is in another era, and worse the people don't give a shit as long as they their rice and beans cheap and free medicine. by the way the wait for the something serious here can be months or years--you'll most likely get sicker and die before much needed surgery. fucking pura vida my ass.
You pretty much described gringo life in every country in Latin America. I lived in Mexico for 10 months and got a kick out of people thinking nothing about paying $7 tolls for essentially a 15 mile road. Mexico is a major oil producer and the price of gasoline is the same or a little more than in the US and yet free roads are for crap. Just like the Ticos everyone with a US visa goes more to shop than anything because taxes make it so expensive for consumer goods you could just fill a suitcase and sell shit when you get home and pay for your trip.