Does Anyone Believe Barry Will Return To MLB Next Year?

The General

Another Day, Another Dollar
I have a feeling the guys plans are ruined. I doubt he even breaks the record now. What an embarrasment.


EOG Master
Hank Aaron was a great ballplayer with class that deserved more respect than he got. Barry is a roided buffoon who deserves NO respect and little sympathy!


EOG Master
coconutman said:
I just want to see him next season after missing a year and being of the roids. He aint breaking shit.
Don't get me wrong, Barry was a helluva ballplayer before the roids with the Pirates and then the Giants. But, he will still have the ability to break the records if he stays around-but I don't think his ego and the taunting would permit him to do so!
Willy Loman said:
I think his ego will get the best of him and he comes back.

I don't think the powers that be (politicians, MLB owners, etc.) will let him back in baseball. Whether it is IRS criminal problems, Balco, whatever. MLB big guys would give a nut to insure Bonds does NOT get the Holy Grail of baseball records.

Ok then