I dont get alex, infowars is basically just him. If the feds did seize his studios, etc, Alex could go out and film the same thing in someones garage and everything would be the same.
Are you saying for money perhaps? I'm shocked, shocked that you would imply that.He's lying.
Paddy said:He needs a pipe wrench up alongside his mouthy fucking head. He's a fucking nobody trying to be somebody on these forums, some useless cunt trying to make out he's a major forum player.
The underwear in Paddy Mac's laundry basket is smarter than this piece of shit and smells better.
Fucking bumholer.
Yeah, and in answer to your question, I like Pat. He contributes more to this forum in three posts than you ever have, or ever will, in your pathetic, wee look at me and my feather boa life.
Cuntacunt doesn't even begin to describe him, Cob.
QUEEN OF HEARTS said:vivid explanation of a cuntacunt please ? Certainly. Cuntacunt is THE lowest expression of contempt at OGD. Coined by JMan, who said "Joey, your a cunt, a cunt." He was referring to our own beloved JoeyBagofDonuts. Relations between the two have been strained ever since. I'm not sure that we have anyone at cuntacunt level presently, but perhaps other posters can suggest someone. Certainly leaving myself open to abuse there.
Oilers/Dallass Ov4.5 +142….Oilers 2-0 headed to 3p
Stars score 1….and they are gonna throw everything at Oilers…counterattack and 2 empty netters very possible
never heard of her Dell.
I liked the breathing and the fact that cats on the move are so steady, the camera barely bounced.both lucky not to end up under a tire ...