Life is good at Gitmo


EOG Master

Ever since the United States opened a prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, there have been people whining about the conditions there. First there were the pictures showing the prisoners in shackles with hoods over their heads. Poor babies. Then the whiners complained about us putting them in cages out in the hot sun. Along comes the rotten-to-the-core UN Human Rights organization to tell us that if we force-feed any detainee who is on a hunger strike, that's torture.

Eventually a more permanent facility was built...and guess what? It's being reported that some prisoners don't want to leave. Suspected terrorists from China, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Algeria and Syria would prefer to continue living it up down at Gitmo. Why? Because they've got it pretty good. Free lodging...all in a warm, tropical climate! Prisoners have told the tribunals they're worried what their own governments might do to them when they're sent back. Perhaps things aren't so bad down there after all. Where are all the Gitmo critics now?

Meanwhile, an official from the OSCE, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, has weighed in on the conditions down at Guantanamo Bay. He says the prisoners there are treated better than they are in Belgium jails. Perhaps the Euro-weenies complaining about our prisons might want to look at some of their own instead. By the way...did you know there was a special section of Gitmo called 'Camp Iguana,' where certain prisoners enjoy televisions, stereos and a nice view of the Caribbean?

By the way, don't expect this story to get a lot of play in the mainstream media. Remember the template. The story must be that these prisoners are being mistreated and tortured. The truth might make Bush look good...and we can't have that.