Just to be clear

Dell Dude

EOG Master
Skimming through, a watered down recap for mikey. They knowingly, intentionally put spike lee protein in the vaccine and used trickeration to get it inside vital cells before the immune system can detect it. The rest as they say. The immune system does what the immune system does. Attacks and kills the the foreign invaders but now that includes vital cells and functions. Blood clots, heart attacks and strokes result. And other bad stuff. Vaccines designed to get your own immune system to kill you and make you sterile.
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Dell Dude

EOG Master
Fuck you, Sean Hannity. Fuck you to fucking Hell for for asking Trump if he will be a dictator. I hope you drop dead you Fred Flintstone pos. No worries. Trump easily handled it.
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Dell Dude

EOG Master
Skimming through, a watered down recap for mikey. They knowingly, intentionally put spike lee protein in the vaccine and used trickeration to get it inside vital cells before the immune system can detect it. The rest as they say. The immune system does what the immune system does. Attacks and kills the the foreign invaders but now that includes vital cells and functions. Blood clots, heart attacks and strokes result. And other bad stuff. Vaccines designed to get your own immune system to kill you and make you sterile.

And what I described is not a percentage of bad results. It's 100%. Only variation is speed and degree of bad results. Just because you feel ok after taking the vaccine doesn't mean bad things aren't happening inside your body. If you live long enough, it will kill you. Everybody every single body who took that jab has shortened their life span. Hi there, homedog!

mr merlin

EOG Master
Sean Hannity is one of them if you didn't know. Absolutely one of them. He really doesn't hide it.
Trump went on hannity willingly and played along with hannity, he could have gone on with someone else at fox, I only saw a bit of it, did he talk up his covid response , the vaccine, or ventilators again?

mr merlin

EOG Master
Ridiculous, the truth is we could never defend taiwan from a chinese invasion, we could not get closer than 4-500 miles with our ships and carriers(prob more like 1000 miles) or they'd be sunk. And we could never supply them by air either as our planes would have to fly from japan or guam and would be utterly overwhelmed by chinas air force which is based only 100 miles away.

Taiwan would fight with what they had on the first day of the war - how long could they last?

If we decided to fire missiles at china itself they would attack our bases which again would render them useless.

Dell Dude

EOG Master

And now the end is here
And so I face the final covid
My friend I'll say it clear
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain
I've lived a life that's full
I traveled each and every highway
And more, much more than this
I did it MNRA!

mr merlin

EOG Master
Putin made a very short notice trip to both SA and the UAE and was treated like a fellow king, 2-3 weeks ago sec Blinkin went to saudi for a meeting and they made him wait 12 hours and ended the meeting quickly, then the next week the german president landed in the UAE and they "forgot" to meet him, left him standing by his plane for 30 min with his arms crossed.

The day after Putin returned to moscow the iranian president flew to meet him - which again is very unusual, today the Saudi prince canceled a long planned visit to the UK.

Yea, i would say the era of US/western dominance is over, I would also say something is up, could be dollar related, oil related, could be middle east war related. We'll see.

I would love to see an oil embargo against the west, europe would practically collapse without middle east oil and gas, oil prices would surge and Biden's prospects would further erode.


EOG Dedicated
John Draisey@JohnDraisey·Dec 7

The suicides of 4 Capitol Police who were at January 6th still irks me. No one found that strange or worth investigating at the Federal level?