If The Founding Fathers Wrote The Constitution Today ....


EOG Master
It wouldn't be any different.....This Country was set up as a republic of Free states.....hence the Electoral College......and not a Democracy.....Democracies don't work......A federalist government is the Only form of Government that will work.....becuase it is set up For the Freedoms of the People not the Governments of at the State or Federal Levels.....The problem with this country is The Idiotic Gevernment School System Teaches we are a Democracy and we are not......Anyone that knows the True History of this nation and can read the Constitution knows that.....
only one term limits for all of congress and president.

They all get to serve one 6 year term and then back to public life and they would have to live with the laws they pass.
I can argue both sides of the fence on our governemt. First off I believe in freedom of CHOICE. The government should not have the right to tell you what you can or cannot do with your body. The government should be more harsh in some areas such as our criminal system. I think we should have public executions on the first saturday of every month. There is no way someone should be on death row for years and years at a time. All they are doing is costing us taxpayers more money. I don't agree with our welfare system, there should a six month limit on welfare. Six months is more then ample time for someone to get a job. It may not be the job you want but it is a job none the less. Our country has its priorities all out of whack. We need to focus more on educating the children, the school system here is a joke. I make twice as much as teacher in the state of GA, and they are the ones who are molding our future leaders. Thats scary. I live in Savannah, Ga. here inside the city limits is majority black. Therefore we have a black mayor. The crime here is at an all time high. They have crime task forces and city town hall meetings and all that bullshit. The only thing I ever here him talk about is race. His whole agenda is about the race card. He is hands down the worst public official I have ever seen in my life. He can't speak worth a shit, when anyone ask him a tough question, he just gets flustered beyond all belief. Don't get me wrong, I'm not racist by any means, my wife is vietnamease, so thats not the problem with me. I just don't understand why the black people always think the problem is racial. They have had every oppurtunity to get a education just like I did. I read the same books they did in school. The problem is with the parents. If you do not have stong parental support at home, kids are going to be led astray. Its easy to get lead down the wrong path, but if you have good parents at home they will teach you right from wrong and help guide you down the right path. I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but I just needed to vent a little bit. I know its all over the place but I was just typing whatever came to my mind.


EOG Master
School teachers get paid plenty.......They work 170 Days (180 school days - 10 teacher work days) in the state of GA.....My sister is a teacher and I used to be as well...You tell me another Job when you can take almost 1/2 off of potential workdays for the regular public and have Full Benefits, get paid for 12 months, get 3 months off during the summer....and after 5 years you will be making 30k plus......Add in Full benefits and you are making near 40 k......The Teachers shouldn't be molding our country......they should be educating......Parents are the ones that should mold their Kids not teachers.....It is the teachers Job to Educate....

Teachers make plenty of Money.....The reason Schools are out of whack is No Discipline is school and no accountability....They make every kid Feel good about themselves no matter how bad they Fuck up.......No one is responsible for thier Own actions....
Dirty, I was defending the teachers, what I was saying is they DON"T MAKE no where near enough for the job they have to do. 30k a year does not seem no where near enough for such a important job. You are right, they can't do it alone either. If the parents are not going to enforce the centain principles and ethics in there children there is nothing the teachers can do.


EOG Master
I know you were Banker......I was saying they make enough for what amounts to a Part time Job....Is Their Job Important....Hell yea.....is it Tough Hell yea.....But to make 30+ a year with benefits is plenty for a part time Job.....PLus in the summer they can work the 3 months they are out of school and make some more Coin...