EOG Master
Except for avoiding chaos I don't know of anything good that having two mainstream political parties has done for anybody. Let's start with banning the Republican and Democratic parties. And while we are at it, let's put everybody that voted for this war in Iraq in jail, in Congress and the White House. Would serve as a good reminder for future politicians!

I think that having 2 main parties was a decent idea until they started to mirror one another and morphed into the Republicrats or the Democans, whichever you prefer.

Each "party" has their own "hot button" issues, but on everything else, they sound just like each other. 2 sides of the same dirty coin.


EOG Dedicated

Except for avoiding chaos I don't know of anything good that having two mainstream political parties has done for anybody. Let's start with banning the Republican and Democratic parties. And while we are at it, let's put everybody that voted for this war in Iraq in jail, in Congress and the White House. Would serve as a good reminder for future politicians!

Well, i had the ultimate plan to fix this and then in Uconn they tried it out by getting rid of this waste of space, war monger for Israel, Joe the douchebag Lieberman, but the cocksucker got around it and ran independent. Then true to form just for spite work, the Right voted him in instead of there own choice. Only the nitwits in this country could pull of something like this. The ultimate message could have been sent but it would have been to easy that way. So Joe "im only out for myself and Israel" continues the war beat, and couldn't give to shits about this country. We need another plan. I have one but im not interested in going to jail. Moving would be a lot easier.

Our electoral system naturally morphed into a two-party system. It has to do with a winner-take-all system versus a proportional representation system like most of the rest of the world runs. The details are kinda fuzzy since my last political science class was over eleven years ago, but anyone who's interested should be able to find something to illustrate the premise further. . .

Also, I'm calling a penalty on ZZ; attempting to draw the opposition offside. . .
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EOG Master

Thor is great... He said it in his first sentence in his post.... he had it all figured out....The "Ultimate Fix"

Why anyone else should speak is beyond Me.. and especially him... don't believe me.. He will tell ya.. it is all Common Sense.... as long as your sense is what he believes


EOG Master

Our electoral system naturally morphed into a two-party system. It has to do with a winner-take-all system versus a proportional representation system like most of the rest of the world runs. The details are kinda fuzzy since my last political science class was over eleven years ago, but anyone who's interested should be able to find something to illustrate the premise further. . .

Also, I'm calling a penalty on ZZ; attempting to draw the opposition offside. . .

No where is it stated in the Constitution where it states each state required to give all it's electoral Votes to the Candidate that wins the Popular Vote... Each state is made up of electoral voters based on what each state selects... it is just an Unwritten rule since at least the early 1800's that each electoral vote went to who wins the Popular vote in each state. It was done this way in the old days because of Travel and communication problems and it would take weeks on end......

IMO Now a days... have the electoral college and each state has its Votes... Let the electors vote for why they want... They are representatives of each district in the state and the vote should go that way.. If the District you are from Votes democrat... that is how your vote is cast, etc.....

Then you count each electoral vote more equal. When the Constitution was written they didn't envision the Technology we have now... The US constitution is the Most perfect written Document ever... we just have to adjust it with Technology and keep its core the same.. which is impossible with the way Politics is now