President Lincoln 'Lied' Us Into War Too


EOG Master
By Thomas Bray
The President "lied" us into war. Much of the pre-war intelligence was wrong. The civilian defense chief was detested as "brusque, domineering and unbearably unpleasant to work with." Civil liberties were abridged. And many embittered Democrats, claiming the war had been an utter failure, demanded that the administration bring the troops home.
George Bush? Well, yes - but also a President who looms far larger in American history, Abraham Lincoln. One is struck by the parallels in reading Doris Kearns Goodwin's masterful new book, Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln.
Lincoln repeatedly asserted that his aim was to prevent the spread of slavery, not eliminate it in the South. "I believe I have no lawful right to do so," Goodwin quotes him as saying. Thus when he finally issued his Emancipation Proclamation two years into the war, freeing the slaves in the Confederate states, his Northern critics claimed that he had misled the country. A bloody and unnecessary war was being fought in a Utopian effort to bring the blessings of democracy to a people who had little experience with it.
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Oh, and by the way, where did this President get off claiming, as Lincoln did, that his implied powers as Commander in Chief allowed him to tinker with institutions, such as slavery, expressly acknowledged in the Constitution? Or suspending the writ of habeas corpus, perhaps the most fundamental bulwark of liberty in the Anglo-Saxon tradition?
Only much later did Lincoln seek congressional authorization for the suspension of habeas corpus, despite the Constitution's explicit instruction that Congress must agree beforehand. And not until 1865 did the administration get around to pushing for the 13th Amendment officially ending slavery.
After the first shots were fired at Fort Sumter, Secretary of State William Seward, Lincoln's closest advisor, predicted the war would be over in 60 days. Lincoln called on the states for only 75,000 troops - who promptly got whipped at a place called Bull Run.
And as the casualties mounted - 23,000 would die or be wounded on both sides in the Battle of Antietam - the civilian chiefs, including Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, were the subject of fierce criticism.
The criticism, moreover, came not from a retired general flogging his memoirs but from the active duty commander himself, Gen. George McClellan. McClellan, a media hero who referred to Lincoln as "the original gorilla" and once kept him waiting at his headquarters while he took a nap, had a familiar complaint: Washington wasn't giving him enough troops to do the job.
With the support of the "Peace Democrats," McClellan wound up running for President in 1864. Lincoln won by 400,000 votes and a landslide in the Electoral College, but it could have gone the other way. Before Sherman took Atlanta in early September, signaling that the war was winnable after all, Lincoln, an excellent political nose-counter, had predicted he would be reelected - but only by three electoral votes.
No, Bush is no Lincoln. As Doris Kearns Goodwin makes clear, Lincoln was a rare combination of visionary - his rhetoric may be America's greatest poetry - and "political genius." Most, if not all, historians agree that a bloody Civil War was probably inevitable. Iraq bids fair to be the quagmire critics say it is, though its consequence is dwarfed by that of the American Civil War, which, as Goodwin points out, cost the equivalent of five million casualties in proportion to today's population.
But the parallels suggest a degree of modesty among those inclined to see Bush - and his embattled Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld - as unmitigated disasters. As with Lincoln, much will depend on the outcome.
Thomas Bray is a Detroit News columnist. Email:
Romanowski said:
2 separate countries, it was more about taxes than slavery, was it not?
Taxes were a big deal for sure.

I don't slavery would have held on forever in the south. 2 seperate countries would be so strange.


EOG Master
Honestly yes.......Everyone is taught the Civil war was over Slavery and that is the furthest from the Truth. It was about states rights. Everyone Blames the South for startign the war when they are just Uneducated....Lincoln made the Decision to Invade the south. We took up for ourselves. But that is another Argument.

I honestly believe that we would still have states rights had the South would have won. We probably never would have passed an amendment for the progressive Federal Income tax we have that is the first sign of your nation becoming Socialist and we Wouldn't have the government able to take your land away and give it to Developers as we have today. Southerners are strict constitutionalists at heart and the country probably would have stayed that Way. Our Constitution is the Greatest Document ever written and is fool proof until you get Politicians involved.

The reason these dead beats stay in office is people that don't deserve to Vote are Voting. They give Government handouts to buy Votes. If the South would have won you would probably still have to be a Property Owner or at the worst a productive Citizen to be able to Vote. If you are on Welfare for more than a year your rights to Vote should be Revoked. A year is More than enough time to find a Job.

The Federal GOvernment was set up to Privide Military, Money and a Few necessary things for Our Republic of Free States. never were we a Democracy like these Idiots teach in school and talk about on TV every day. WE would still be a Federalist Government Like was intended.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Why do the GOP lovers have a hard time admitting Bush is a failed CIC and lying has been his "pattern" both in Politics and a business???

Another 32 mths of this guy???

God bless us .. cause we are screwed


EOG Dedicated
Re: President Lincoln 'Lied' Us Into War Too

If Lincoln lied then it is only fair and balanced for every President to lie.

BTW....The south was staped with heavy taxes imposed by the north for Machinery and other goods. These taxes were implemented by European Bankers, who also reaped the profits. At the same time Europe was boycotting cotton from the south to force them to go to war.


EOG Master
Re: President Lincoln 'Lied' Us Into War Too

If Lincoln lied then it is only fair and balanced for every President to lie.

BTW....The south was staped with heavy taxes imposed by the north for Machinery and other goods. These taxes were implemented by European Bankers, who also reaped the profits. At the same time Europe was boycotting cotton from the south to force them to go to war.

Hey YNOT..... as a son of the confederacy....why don't we meet and chit chat face to face on your facts about the War of Hostility ole Chap :+waving-5:+waving-5:+waving-5:+waving-5:+waving-5:+waving-5:+waving-5:+waving-5:+waving-5:+waving-5


EOG Dedicated
Re: President Lincoln 'Lied' Us Into War Too

I not going to Jawja, but you are welcome to come to Milwaukee.


EOG Dedicated
Re: President Lincoln 'Lied' Us Into War Too

Hey YNOT..... as a son of the confederacy....why don't we meet and chit chat face to face on your facts about the War of Hostility ole Chap :+waving-5:+waving-5:+waving-5:+waving-5:+waving-5:+waving-5:+waving-5:+waving-5:+waving-5:+waving-5

Or we could have a chat right here. I'll kick the conversation off with a quote from ....Senator Jefferson Davis (MS) support the statement I made earlier.

Davis speaking to the north:

"It is not humanity that influences is that you may have a majority in the Congress of the United States and will convert Government into an engine of Northern Aggrandizement. You want by an unjust system of legislation to promote industry at the expense of the people of the south."


EOG Dedicated
Re: President Lincoln 'Lied' Us Into War Too

Or we could have a chat right here. I'll kick the conversation off with a quote from ....Senator Jefferson Davis (MS) support the statement I made earlier.

Davis speaking to the north:

"It is not humanity that influences is that you may have a majority in the Congress of the United States and will convert Government into an engine of Northern Aggrandizement. You want by an unjust system of legislation to promote industry at the expense of the people of the south."

I guess that was just more "Big Talk"