
EOG Master
don't know who the ultimate mastermind of the Muslim PR machine is, but whoever he or she is, they deserve wild accolades for the incredible and masterful job they're doing manipulating the American penchant for obsessive political correctness and our slavish devotion to multiculturalism. While Muslims continue to murder innocents around the world, the PC crowd continues to insist that Islam is a "religion of peace." Immediate apologies are demanded of anyone who dares say otherwise.An interesting event at Harvard University illustrates the point. The Harvard Salient is a conservative student newspaper. Judith Kidd, a Harvard associate dean, thought it possible that the Salient might decide to publish those Mohammed cartoons that have been a catalyst for Muslim violence around the world. Kidd sent an email to the editors of The Harvard Salient suggesting that publishing the cartoons might not be a good idea. Kidd wrote: "Some segments of the campus and surrounding communities may be sufficiently upset by the publication of the cartoons that they may become dangerous."
In other words ... if you publish the cartoons Muslims may get upset and become violent. Well ... how DARE this Harvard associate dean suggest in any way that Muslims can be dangerous? How dare she suggest that a reaction to those cartoons would be anything other than calm and peaceful? Muslims dangerous? Say it ain't so!
Well .. now Judith Kidd has Harvard campus Muslims upset. They are protesting, saying that Kidd's comments were "offensive" and "harmful." Awwwwww. Isn't that a shame? Offended Muslims in Boston! Oh, the humanity! Let's call the caterers, order the noisemakers and have a nice little pity party for Harvard Muslims. Of course, she has now issued an apology.
Again, let's give credit where it's due. Print the cartoons and Muslims get upset. Say that Muslims will get upset if you print the cartoons, and Muslims get upset. Face it ... they have us cornered.