Picture Rove with small mustache ...

Doc Mercer

EOG Master

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] According to Wilson, and to Retired U.S. Navy Lt. Commander Al Martin (www.almartinraw.com), Rove's grandfather was Karl Heinz Roverer, the Gauleiter of Oldenburg. Roverer was Reich-Statthalter---Nazi State Party Chairman---for his region.

He was also a partner and senior engineer in the Roverer Sud-Deutche Ingenieurburo A. G. engineering firm, which built the Birkenau death camp, at which tens of thousands of Jews, Gypsies, dissidents and other were slaughtered en masse.


Re: Picture Rove with small mustache ...

incredible the roots of fascist government...
must be nice to be bloodline...
i can hear turd blossom inserting his weapon of mass distruction into the back side of Jeff Bulldog Gannon and whispering into his ear telling him they have almost created the Nazi master-race...
the guy looks like a predator and must be real scary getting drunk and passing out around turd blossom

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Picture Rove with small mustache ...

Remember the "rumors"??

Karl Rove: Known in Gay Circles as 'Miss Piggy'
by jo swift at 12:10PM (CET) on November 2, 2006 |

In Washington's more 'discreet' gay bars Karl Rove is well-known as a frequent visitor. Witty gays have given him the nickname 'Miss Piggy, after the character on 'The Muppets'. Whether this refers to his appearance ['the doughboy'] or his sexual preferences is open to speculation.


The Gay Republican Mafia is evidently in control of the Party, even as they spin hard to avoid the obvious questions. How did so many closeted "conservative" gay men wind up in the upper echelons of the GOP? Should the GOP be called the Gay Old Party now?

With gay RNC chairman Ken Mehlman and the latest outing of fake reporter Jeff Gannon, a GOPUSA/ Talon News shill, the issue of Karl Rove has come out as well, so to speak.

"The thing I never understood about Karl Rove," writes Al Martin, author of The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran Contra Insider, "is that he?s not married, and I used to know this guy in the mid-1980s.

He doesn?t look all that much different now than he did 20 years ago. But here?s a guy that looks like a cross between Humpty Dumpty and the Pillsbury Doughboy. I never saw him with a woman. He was never friendly with any women and never seemed to have any girlfriends or go out on a date or anything.

Martin continues his recollections -- "Karl would always hang around at the Rooftop Bar at the Mayflower, which is directly across the street from the White House where all the DOJ pretty boys, as they used to call them, would go after work for a drink.

And that?s always where Karl was...It?s odd that this guy has never married. He?s a bachelor. Usually in Bushonian circles, particularly when you?re close to the religious right, which Karl is and raises money from them, it?s almost obligatory that you be married and have kids.

In his column called "The Fairy Godmother Rules: Karl Rove and the Gay Republican Mafia," political analyst Al Martin examines the confluence of high ranking gay Republicans and their control of the Republican Party, especially when the Religious Right must be aware of this irony, as they continue to support the Bush-Cheney Regime.

"Fake journalist Jeff Gannon was outed last week," Martin writes. "'Jeff Gannon' is not his real name, yet he was able to get inside the White house press pool. How?s that for 'security'? Being a fake Bushonian journalist shill means never having to say you?re sorry.

"And so we have another story of another gay Republican so-called journalist, just like Armstrong Williams. Gannon, who real name is J.D. Guckert, finally admitted that Gannon wasn?t his real name and that Talon News Service was nothing more than a shill for another Bush front called GOPUSA."

What?s important about all this is that it was nothing more than a shill organization for GeorgeBush.com, which is financed from a Texas-based Republican Christian group associated with Karl Rove.

We are finally learning how extensive this is now. He said that there are hundreds of bogus news services and bogus newsletters that have been organized around GeorgeBush.com.

In fact, he also noted how well coordinated Karl Rove (now the new Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove) has gotten it so there is now an entire industry to subvert news and to spin it.

The story gets even more intriguing when it becomes clear that "the White House credentialized fake news reporter Jeff Gannon from fake news agency Talon News and this was cited by the Washington Post as having the only access to the internal CIA memo that names Joseph Wilson?s wife, Valerie Plame, as a covert agent. Gannon referred to the memo, to which no other news outlet had access, according to the Post."

Supposedly Gannon has also been subpoenaed by the Federal Grand Jury looking into the Plame outing, though Gannon himself denies it.

Will there be a special investigation of Karl Rove and "Jeff Gannon" regarding the "outing" of CIA agent Valerie Plame? [Radio Left]


I'm in the hallway at Madison Square Garden leading out from Radio Row through the filing center to the escalator which leads into the convention. Karl Rove just passed me. He looked down on me smiling.

It was the friendly smile of a man trying to make contact, not so disimilar from the men who used to promise me things when I was a stripper ten years ago in Chicago. The Jons would say things like, "What do you want to do? Are you an actor? I can help you. I know an agent."

That's the way they were, always making promises they had no intention of keeping, anything to get their fingers dirty. "Come over," they would say. "I have a limosine out front. I'll send the maid home." Then they would stuff a dollar bill in your underwear as if they were big spenders.

Anyway, that's how Karl Rove looked at me and when I looked up the second time and he was still looking at me he said, "I like your Mac." He said.

"That's a nice computer." He didn't nod, just smiled, his head didn't so much turn as swivel. It was just like that. He was being sincere.

He was trying to connect. There was a large contingency following behind him and he slowed down just enough, never losing that sanguine smile, and then whammo, he was off.

You can say what you want about truth and speculation and you can interpret your own meaning from the things that happen inside Madison Square Garden this week. But what I'm saying is true. There were witnesses.

Intent, like predicting the weather, is open for debate. But I saw what I saw. It's been twelve years since I pulled on a g-string and danced on a lit box in one of the clubs on Clark Street, but I've still got it. And I know exactly what Rove was trying to do. [The Believer]

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Picture Rove with small mustache ...

n a written statement Storch detailed the activities of the GOP strongman, and noted that homosexual activity is "trendy" on Capitol Hill. "Karl used to hang out at JR's, which is on 17th between P & S streets, before he became so well-known. This is a respectable gay bar for discreet people...," adding, "there is an expensive apartment...over near Dupont Circle that certain powerful senators take turns visiting with their pickups....
TBR News, who carries an extensive selection of Barnes Review books and plans to serialize the personal correspondences of President Bush, reported that, "one Supreme Court Justice, several governors (all Republican) and at least one very prominent televangelist" are engaging in a variety of lurid sexual activities that the American public would find distasteful.


Re: Picture Rove with small mustache ...

u mean turd blossom takes it up da butt....
wow theres a story worth to print...

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Picture Rove with small mustache ...

Any guess which one Rove is?





I am leaning toward Texasfan or Ktb? Nicolas reminds me more of the Glenn
Beck kind and Merlin has a lot of them "John Gibson" qualities about him


Re: Picture Rove with small mustache ...

you can check mark Nico and that other little lizard Merlin....to dumb to even be in the same breath as turd blossom...
i vote the last two might be the same poster....
that KTB doesnt seem so dumb and that other sellout Texas seems like he fits the turdblossom profile...