Is Journeyman the most popular sports gambling poster around?


Head <in> Moderation
Re: Is Journeyman the most popular sports gambling poster around?

thanx god that picture was deleted.
Re: Is Journeyman the most popular sports gambling poster around?

I'd have to go with Brunhuber.
I never knew a thing about this guy until a week ago. Never read a post by him in two years until about a week ago. I like a guy that stirs the pot but he bores the hell out of me.


Re: Is Journeyman the most popular sports gambling poster around?

Calling the forum wporld a bunch of losers, you are just so special :pop:

1500 a week eh,sure ya do!
I ready do though, that's what's funny.

I also do more charity work in one week than most do in a year .

How many hours have you wasted posting the same shit to me for five years?

Funny that a stiff that has over 100k posts is talking to me about wasting time, god you are an idiot. What sort of charity work do you do? I really hope it's not working with the Philipino youth..... :LMAO


EOG Master
Re: Is Journeyman the most popular sports gambling poster around?

famous or infamous?


<FORM name=entry action=/dictionary method=post>One entry found.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0 valign="top"><TBODY><TR><TD>infamous </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><INPUT type=hidden value=Dictionary name=book> <INPUT type=hidden value=infamous name=quer> <INPUT type=hidden value=1,0,0,0;infamous=543648 name=list> </FORM>

<DL><DT class=hwrd>Main Entry: <DD class=hwrd>in?fa?mous </DD><DT class=pron>Pronunciation: <DD class=pron>\ˈin-fə-məs\ </DD><DT class=func>Function: <DD class=func>adjective </DD><DT class=ety>Etymology: <DD class=ety>Middle English, from Latin infamis, from in- + fama fame </DD><DT class=date>Date: <DD class=date>14th century </DD></DL>1 : having a reputation of the worst kind : notoriously evil <an infamous traitor> 2 : causing or bringing infamy : disgraceful <an infamous crime> 3 : convicted of an offense bringing infamy
? in?fa?mous?ly adverb

Awesome, that worked well. Thanks for the segue...



EOG Master
Re: Is Journeyman the most popular sports gambling poster around?

I think it's a legitimate question..

gyno you are a very good poster, I always felt that...good to see you over here, but you seem to flip flop where you post, why is that?

:pop: <----love this guy

Dell Dude

EOG Master
Re: Is Journeyman the most popular sports gambling poster around?

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">
Originally Posted by rjt721
Don't 99% of posters despise Journeyman?

98.6 % :cheers

99.3% :+thumbs-1