Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed


TYVM Morgan William!!!
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed

i've been saying for MONTHS McCain is gonna win - and i see nothing to make me change those thoughts

The General

Another Day, Another Dollar
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed

After hearing yesterday how important Florida will be again and McCain apparently has the edge, I thought maybe this is already over also.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed

Yeah good luck on those McBush bets ...

The GOP hates his ass and is flocking over to Bob Barr ...

McBush is getting exposed on all fronts:

1) Clueless on Iraq and that shows every time he opens his mouth
2) Clueless on economics and admitted such

Obama will wipe his ass up on the Debates as McBush is the GOP
Version of the Admiral Stockdale ... Mississippi 2 weeks ago proved
that this country is pissed and the Blood slaughter this November
for folks with an R next to their name is attached to what? GEORGE

McBush will get beat ... why do ya think Hannity and FOX NEWS has
been rooting for Hilliary? Obama has energized the Dem base and they
will be out in record numbers .... Obama grabs someone like Clarke and
you can kiss those McBush bets goodbye

MCBUSH is physically sick fellas .... he looks like shit and notice today how he released only his medical records to "select" reporters for only 3 hrs and were not allowed to copy any records ... and will not his Psychiatric records along with not releasing his wife's tax records -- AND THE SHIT ON HER ASS IS DEEP AND INCLUDES STEALING ILLEGAL DRUGS THAT BUSH USED TO TRASH MCCAIN AND HIS FAMILY IN THE SC 2000 PRIMARY

Lets look at McBush:

YouTube - McCain's YouTube Problem Just Became a Nightmare

YouTube - John McCain Gets Owned on Meet The Press

YouTube - John McCain & Miss Teen SC on Economics

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed


"Exposed" in what way?

The Right has tried to trash him ...

* Wright ... 63% of Republicans dont give a shit about this issue
* Service ... Ghees, that is HUGE !! Bush went AWOL, CHENEY HAD 5

Obama is tough .... Obama is smart ... Obama is Charaismatic .... Obama
wont anyone Swiftboat him or his family and the Gravy Train for Corporate
America and the Elite Rich ends when Obama is sworn in

Bush did Obama a huge favor with his DUMBASS "Appeasement" speech
that blew up in Bush's and McSame's face

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed

Newsweek article on why Obama will win ...

Sit Back, Relax, Get Ready to Rumble

He's taken everything in stride, it seems. How Obama and his team will battle the GOP onslaught.
By Richard Wolffe and Evan Thomas | NEWSWEEK
May 19, 2008 Issue

dvise and Consent: Axelrod and Obama huddle backstage before speaking to supporters in Erie, Pa.

How do you know if Barack Obama is unhappy with what you're saying? or not saying? At meetings of his closest advisers, he likes to lean back, put his feet on the table and close his eyes. If he doesn't like how the conversation is going, he will lean forward, put his feet on the floor and "adjust his socks, kind of start tugging at them," says Michael Strautmanis, a counselor to the campaign. Obama wants people to talk, but he doesn't want to intimidate them. "If you haven't said anything, he'll call on you," says Strautmanis. "He's never said it, but he usually thinks if somebody is very quiet it's because they disagree with what everybody is saying ? so Barack will call on you and say, 'You've been awfully quiet'." There are no screamers on Team Obama; one senior Obama aide says he's heard him yell only twice in four years. Obama was explicit from the beginning: there was to be "no drama," he told his aides. "I don't want elbowing or finger-pointing. We're going to rise or fall together." Obama wanted steady, calm, focused leadership; he wanted to keep out the grandstanders and make sure the quiet dissenters spoke up. A good formula for running a campaign?or a presidency.

It worked against Hillary Clinton, whose own campaign has been rent by squabbling aides and turf battles. While Clinton veered between playing Queen Elizabeth I and Norma Rae, Obama and his team chugged along with a superior 50-state campaign strategy, racking up the delegates. If the candidate seemed weary and peevish or a little slow to respond at times, he never lost his cool. But the real test is yet to come. The Republican Party has been successfully scaring voters since 1968, when Richard Nixon built a Silent Majority out of lower- and middle-class folks frightened or disturbed by hippies and student radicals and blacks rioting in the inner cities. The 2008 race may turn on which party will win the lower- and middle-class whites in industrial and border states?the Democrats' base from the New Deal to the 1960s, but "Reagan Democrats" in most presidential elections since then. It is a sure bet that the GOP will try to paint Obama as "the other"?as a haughty black intellectual who has Muslim roots (Obama is a Christian) and hangs around with America-haters.

Obama says he's ready for the onslaught. "Yes, we know what's coming," he told a cheering crowd as he won the North Carolina primary last week. "We've seen it already ? the attempts to play on our fears and exploit our differences to turn us against each other for pure political gain?to slice and dice this country into Red States and Blue States; blue-collar and white-collar; white, black, brown." Hillary Clinton was not above playing on those fears. Refusing to concede defeat last week, she cited an Associated Press poll "that found how Senator Obama's support among working, hardworking Americans, white Americans, is weakening again." As Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson wrote: "Here's what she's really saying to party leaders: There's no way that white people are going to vote for the black guy. Come November, you'll be sorry." A top Clinton adviser, speaking anonymously so he could be more frank, says the Clinton campaign has actually been holding back, for fear of alienating other Democrats. The Republicans "won't suffer from such scruples," this adviser says. Sen. John McCain himself has explicitly disavowed playing the race card or taking the low road generally. But he may not be able to resist casting doubt on Obama's patriotism. And the real question is whether he can?or really wants to?rein in the merchants of slime and sellers of hate who populate the Internet and fund the "independent expenditure" groups who exercise their freedom in ways that give a bad name to free speech. (In an email to Newsweek Editor Jon Meacham on Sunday, McCain adviser Mark Salter responded to NEWSWEEK's cover story)

For Obama, the challenge will be to respond quickly and surely?but without overreacting or inviting an endless cycle of recriminations. Team Obama has been a model of tight, highly efficient organization, certainly in contrast to most presidential campaigns. The few tensions that have emerged have been between those who want to stick to the high ground and those who want to fight a little dirtier. (Such debates could intensify in a hard-hitting general campaign.) The campaign has at times been a little slow to fight back. Some of this deliberation is a measure of the candidate's personality. Obama disdains cable-TV talk-show shoutfests as trivial sideshows, and he tends to discount the seriousness of campaign gaffes and flaps. As a result, he was slow to denounce the most recent round of tirades by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. By failing to alert Obama to the gravity of the Wright fiasco, "I don't think we served him well," admits his chief strategist, David Axelrod.

But Team Obama has been consistently able to outstrategize the opposition, and it does have a plan for the coming mud war. In conversations with NEWSWEEK, Obama's aides have signaled their intention to put McCain on the spot. They note that McCain himself has been the victim of a smear. In the South Carolina primary in 2000, GOP operatives spread the rumor that McCain had fathered an illegitimate black child. Recently, when a reporter asked McCain, "Does it bother you at all that you might actually benefit from latent prejudice in the country?" he answered: "That would bother me a lot. That would bother me a great deal." And last week his wife, Cindy, told NBC News, "My husband is absolutely opposed to any negative campaigning at all." So if McCain's camp does try to exploit Obama's ties to the fiery Reverend Wright, the Obama-ites can question his sincerity?is he really the "Straight Talk" candidate? And if McCain can't stop others from the sort of innuendo and code that Republicans have learned to frighten voters, Obama can cast doubt on McCain's credentials as a commander in chief. ("In other words," says liberal political pundit Mark Shields, "they can say that McCain is either a hypocrite or impotent.")


Sit Back, Relax, Get Ready to Rumble | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com <!-- google_ad_section_end -->

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed

Not sure what that is all about ...

I am warning folks not to fall for the Bullshit RIGHT WING media angle ...


Obama will beat McBush ... his camp is running the best campaign in our lifetime and Americans ARE DESPERATE ..... they will vote for change and change sure does not equate to anyone with an R next to their name

Best on those McBush votes .... I personally think he drops out due to "health issues" and Romney become the GOP nominee

We shall see .... McBush admitted in an 2000 interview he would be too old to run for the Presidency in 2008 and the "signals" are obvious something is going down with the McBush campaign
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed

"McBush".... cute.

Lord, please deliver me from delusional juveniles. AAAArrrrrgggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!


EOG Dedicated
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed

Just out of curiosity, didnt they say the same thing about Obama vs Hillary? She was more of a favorite than McCain to beat Obama. I would be very surprised if a Republican is in office in January.


All I do is trytrytry
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed

McCain is at least a 3-1 dog real odds in my opinion...huge overlay now with Obama and a better price today thn 2 weeks ago makes it even better.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed


FYI ... there are 57 contests that do decide the Democratic nominee
and his slip up is minor compared to Bush's continual fuckups

Sooo much for McBush being a "straight shooter":

So this is buried on page two of the Newsweek report just out summarizing McCain's medical record releases:

McCain's most recent exams show a range of health issues common in aging: He frequently has precancerous skin lesions removed, and in February had an early stage squamous cell carcinoma, an easily cured skin cancer, removed. He had benign colon growths called polyps taken out during a routine colonoscopy in March.

APNewsBreak: McCain appears cancer-free, healthy | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com


I want winners...
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed

I don't know who's going to win the election (I believe Obama has the numbers) but anyone who states that McCain sold out his fellow soldiers is full of shit.
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed

Hey PSYCHO, we're all adults. I'm pretty sure we can decide for ourselves. But go ahead and make another 8,000 posts about it... :rolleyes:
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed

Well, here's the game.

Put up a protesting "McCain Too Old" sign at a McCain rally, nobody cares. Age draws no heat.

Put up an "Iron My Shirt" sign at a Hillary speech, nobody cares. She be a woman.

Put up a "Shine My Shoes" sign at an Obama rally, and the whole universe comes apart. The black man has been wronged! Hundreds of years of oppression! How can this be allowed to happen?

That's what we deal with everyday in this election.


EOG Veteran
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed

I don't care what the odds are,if clinton or obama,we all lost.


I want winners...
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed

I don't give a shit about YouTube. The man spent 5 YEARS being tortured because he wouldn't betray his men or his country, and that's a fact, too.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed


Tough shit ... that didnt stop Bush from trashing McCain and his family
in the SC 2000 primaries

Didnt stop Rove from trashing Cleland who lost 3 limbs while in
service to this country in the 2002 midterms

Didnt stop Bush from Swift Boating a man who earned Medals in Vietnam
while Bush went AWOL over Coke useage in the 2004 election

Didnt stop Coulter from calling for the killing of Vet John Murtha who
is a Senator out of Pa

Didnt stop Limbaugh from calling American soldiers "phony soldiers"


Gramps is being exposed more and more who the real McBush is by Obama's camp and McBush is an Appeaser as bad as Rice and Gates

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed

McCain is ...

why do ya think they wont release his Psychiatric records?

Why do ya think in the SC 2000 Primary that Bush trained McCain
by spreading rumors he was mentally unbalanced from being a
Prisoner of War?

Hell ... McBush is a lost soul with Joe LieberBush next to him to
hand him his walker and whispher correct answers in his ear

McBush is a combination of Reagan around 90 and the Admiral
Stockdale when dropped onstage to debate with Gore and Quail


EOG Veteran
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed

Could this be moved to the political forum with the rest of antigwb bullshit?

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed


I love how folks from the Right always call it bullshit when the facts are
brought out about their beloved Nazis

Deal with Facts .... McBush is hated by the Right for a lot of good reasons

Enjoy the high gasoline prices .... $1.64 per gallon when Bush was APPOINTED
and heading up to $5.00 per gallon specifically via the gameplan outlined by
James Baker and company to cut the flow of Oil out of Iraq to fuck Americans at the gas pump

Life sucks ... especially when Crooks tied into the Oil Industry control this


I want winners...
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed


Tough shit ... that didnt stop Bush from trashing McCain and his family
in the SC 2000 primaries

Didnt stop Rove from trashing Cleland who lost 3 limbs while in
service to this country in the 2002 midterms

Didnt stop Bush from Swift Boating a man who earned Medals in Vietnam
while Bush went AWOL over Coke useage in the 2004 election

Didnt stop Coulter from calling for the killing of Vet John Murtha who
is a Senator out of Pa

Didnt stop Limbaugh from calling American soldiers "phony soldiers"


Gramps is being exposed more and more who the real McBush is by Obama's camp and McBush is an Appeaser as bad as Rice and Gates
I defended MCCAIN, not Bush, Coulter, Limbaugh, Rove or anybody else. Your rants need to be a little more focused.

Tim Patterson

EOG Dedicated
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed

Did I open up the wrong forum?
I thought this was online sportsbook and gambling discussion.


EOG Master
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed

when I read Raiders thread title I thought it was a porn discussion:

<!-- google_ad_section_start -->Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed<!-- google_ad_section_end -->


I want winners...
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed

when I read Raiders thread title I thought it was a porn discussion:

<!-- google_ad_section_start -->Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed<!-- google_ad_section_end -->


EOG Master
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed

Well I have always been voting for McCain anyway


EOG Dedicated
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed

I already took McCain but I would never lay another cent on him - it looks like Hillary and Obama will team up - if so, McCain is losing - I agree that Obama will not win without Beast on his ticket - as for Florida, without Hillary there is really no need to even have the vote - relatively few black, tons of hispanics, lots of elderly and military in the north - it's McCain's in a land slide - without Hillary McCain gets FL, OH and PA - and it's a done deal.


EOG Master
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed

McCain is very liable to take Texas as well. Hispanics are thought that they will never vote for a black man for president


EOG Dedicated
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed

McCain is very liable to take Texas as well. Hispanics are thought that they will never vote for a black man for president

Hey man - thanks for the insight - we all though Obama would snare Texas - do you think McCain can take West Virginia too?

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed


Hilliary is toast with her comments today .... Obama will make a smart
choice as this aint 2004 and his camp dont take shit off anyone

McBush is under fire from all fronts and its gonna pile deep and Gramps

McBush offers nothing except the same failed Bush policies that have
put this country into terrible shape on all fronts


EOG Dedicated
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed


Hilliary is toast with her comments today .... Obama will make a smart
choice as this aint 2004 and his camp dont take shit off anyone

McBush is under fire from all fronts and its gonna pile deep and Gramps

McBush offers nothing except the same failed Bush policies that have
put this country into terrible shape on all fronts

Doc, you are aware that McCain has always been considered a moderate Republican - he is nothing like this idiot we have now.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed


McBush is on his last legs

He really is scary and he has the GOP base pissed off ... go over to their
Official blog site if you need some good action

I used to like McSame ... that was then and this is now

Its gonna get Nasty .... real flappin Nasty and now I understand why
Ventura hates the 2 party system

I personally think McSame bows out over "health issues" and Romney
becomes the Nominee ... McSame is sick ... he looks like shit

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed

Rasmussen Markets data gives Sen. Obama a 62.0% chance of winning the White House in November

"New polling from Minnesota was released today showing Obama retaining a double digit lead over McCain. Polling released Friday showed Obama with the advantage in both Pennsylvania and New Hampshire. In both states, McCain had the edge a month ago (see summary of recent state-by-state results).

The Rasmussen Reports Balance of Power Calculator shows Democrats leading in states with 200 Electoral Votes while the GOP has the advantage in states with 189. When “leaners” are included, the Democrats enjoy a 260-240 Electoral College lead. Rasmussen Markets data gives Democrats a 62.0% chance of winning the White House in November (results are updated on a 24/7 basis by market participants). "

"Rasmussen Reports believes the race is over and that Barack Obama will be the nominee of the Democratic Party. We will stop tracking the Democratic race in the near future to focus exclusively on the Obama-McCain match-up. "




Average of National Polls:

Obama 46.9/McCain 44.0 = Obama + 2.9

Clinton 46.1/McCain 44.9 = Clinton + 1.2

The general election polls averages the latest polls from Gallup Tracking, Rasmussen Tracking, Quinnipiac,ABC News/Wash Post, Democracy Corp, LA Times/Bloomberg, IDBB/TIPP, Battleground





Gallup: Key Clinton voters are shifting to Obama


Rasmussen Markets data gives Sen. Obama a 62.0% chance of winning the White House in November:

"New polling from Minnesota was released today showing Obama retaining a double digit lead over McCain. Polling released Friday showed Obama with the advantage in both Pennsylvania and New Hampshire. In both states, McCain had the edge a month ago (see summary of recent state-by-state results).

The Rasmussen Reports Balance of Power Calculator shows Democrats leading in states with 200 Electoral Votes while the GOP has the advantage in states with 189. When “leaners” are included, the Democrats enjoy a 260-240 Electoral College lead. Rasmussen Markets data gives Democrats a 62.0% chance of winning the White House in November (results are updated on a 24/7 basis by market participants). "

"Rasmussen Reports believes the race is over and that Barack Obama will be the nominee of the Democratic Party. We will stop tracking the Democratic race in the near future to focus exclusively on the Obama-McCain match-up.


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EOG Dedicated
Re: Have to pound McCain + now that Obama's been exposed

Without race even entering into it, I would never vote for obama. He's just an eloquent speech flying over the landscape, looking for an idea to attach himself to.