An Open Message For Anti GWB

Munchkin Man

EOG Dedicated

The Munchkin Man feels deeply compelled to offer you his honest and sincerest heartfelt advice.

First of all, please stop wasting your time posting unpatriotic garbage about President George W. Bush and his administration and start working on your GED.

Second of all..........

Get a life.

Munchkin Man

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: An Open Message For Anti GWB

To quote Dick Cheney:


Re: An Open Message For Anti GWB

Most anything goes down here... except personal attacks.

Attack the posts men, not the posters. Civility can be tough to come by when passionately discussing politics, but it can be done.
Re: An Open Message For Anti GWB

Most anything goes down here... except personal attacks.

Attack the posts men, not the posters. Civility can be tough to come by when passionately discussing politics, but it can be done.


Is this some new moderator-tempered philosophy you've just adopted?


EOG Veteran
Re: An Open Message For Anti GWB

ave read ALL AntiGWB posts -----saw NOTHING un-patriotic here-all made sense-the unpatriotic bullshit come from that Greek towel boy neo-con artist!!!


EOG Veteran
Re: An Open Message For Anti GWB

As for you. Mr. Hoffa-this is America-freedom of speech,etc.etc. We enjoy attacking the other messengers here because we KNOW we're right, they're wrong-and we want to rub it in their faces how stupid they are!!! Are you REALLY buried at Giants' stadium???
Re: An Open Message For Anti GWB


Is this some new moderator-tempered philosophy you've just adopted?
Nah Jeff, old dogs can't learn new tricks. :LMAO

But, I know that's always been the "philosophy" here. The political forum is a wild west shootout, but just because a guy has a different stance on an issue doesn't make him a cocksucker, asshole, nazi, etc...

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: An Open Message For Anti GWB

Hot Shot ...

that is America now ... great "talking pts"

"Appeaser" (though the Righties are clueless on this term"
"We are fighting them over there ...."

Munchkin Man

EOG Dedicated
Re: An Open Message For Anti GWB

Most anything goes down here... except personal attacks.

Attack the posts men, not the posters. Civility can be tough to come by when passionately discussing politics, but it can be done.

Sir, Yes Sir, Moderator Jimmy Hoffa Sir!


The Munchkin Man congratulates you on your promotion to Moderator.

Best Wishes,

Munchkin Man


EOG Dedicated
Re: An Open Message For Anti GWB


The Munchkin Man feels deeply compelled to offer you his honest and sincerest heartfelt advice.

First of all, please stop wasting your time posting unpatriotic garbage about President George W. Bush and his administration and start working on your GED.

Second of all..........

Get a life.

Munchkin Man

If AntiGwB doesn't have his GED then you must have been home schooled by a couple boxes of rocks

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: An Open Message For Anti GWB


My education consisted of reading from the following authors and thinking
in reverse:

Sean Hannity
Melanie Morgan
Michell Malkin
Anne Coulter


EOG Veteran
Re: An Open Message For Anti GWB

.....And thinking in reverse of the usual jadrouls on the Right-hannity, Malkin, Coulter-etc. Very funny, Anti GWB!