Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

You notice these weasels for the last few days running around in a state of shock , responding to all these statements about them being weak, getting all defensive, whining to the media.

All the Dumbocrats in this forum posting all this shit "OH my God, George Bush said something against our party -- We have to respond"

Here is the problem --

The country already knows the Democrats will do nothing when attacked.

The country also knows that Bush will kick some ass when attacked.

Those are the facts boys and girls -- and this is why you don't like it and you act like a bunch of whiney weasels when it gets pointed out.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

Bush's "Nazi appeaser" was a Republican.

Larry McAwful

Thu May 15, 2008 at 09:50:15 AM PDT

We all heard Bush say that "an American senator" said he could have stopped Hitler from invading Poland, if only he'd been able to talk to him first. But Bush didn't name the guy, making it tough for us to put this comment in context. So: who was this Senator?

He was William Edgar Borah, senator from Idaho and 1936 presidential hopeful?and, of course, a Republican. Bush didn't mention Borah's name because, apparently, he didn't want to remind people that most of the opponents to intervening against Hitler were the isolationist Republicans!

Borah was 74 years old when he said this. He died a few months later. It's interesting, though, that even though Borah was an isolationist, he still saw the need to talk to foreign powers. Borah opposed the Treaty of Versailles and advocated in 1931 to revise it, and supported the Treaty of Trianon, which divided the old Hungarian Kingdom into the distinctly non-Hungarian countries of Austria, Czechoslovakia, Romania and Yugoslavia. Very telling that even an avowed non-interventionist like Borah saw the wisdom of engaging with foreign leaders?but only after the Nazi tanks were streaming across the Polish frontier...


Glenn Greenwald
Saturday May 17, 2008 07:35 EDT
Ronald Reagan: Chamberlainian appeaser of the 1980s

One of the most significant political developments over the last decade or so is that the defining views of what was once the extremist right-wing fringe have become mainstream. Few things illustrate that development more than this week's branding by George Bush, John McCain and Bill Kristol of Barack Obama (and anyone who prefers negotiations to knee-jerk wars with Israel's enemies as the optimal method for conflict resolution) as a Neville Chamberlain-like "appeaser."

This is the same exact insult, grounded in the same war-cheerleading mentality, that was hurled by the extreme Far Right at Ronald Reagan in the 1980s because he sought to negotiate with that decade's Evil Empire. Conservative Caucus Chair Howard Phillips, for instance, "scorned President Reagan as 'a useful idiot for Kremlin propaganda,'" and published ads which, according to a January 20, 1988 UPI article (via LEXIS):

likens Reagan's signing of the INF Treaty to British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's signing of an accord with Nazi Germany's Adolf Hitler in 1938. The ad, with the headline, "Appeasement Is As Unwise In 1988 As In 1938," shows pictures of Chamberlain, Hitler, Reagan and Gorbachev overhung by an umbrella. Chamberlain carried an umbrella and it became a World War II symbol for appeasement.

According to the January 19, 1988 St. Louis Post-Dispatch, when Pat Robertson was campaigning for President in Missouri in 1988, he "suggested that President Ronald Reagan could be compared to Neville Chamberlain . . . by agreeing to a medium-range nuclear arms agreement with Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev." The Orange Country Register editorialized in September, 1988 that "Ronald Reagan has become the Neville Chamberlain of the 1980s. The apparent peace of 1988 may be followed by the new wars of 1989 or 1990."

Newt Gingrich -- who today regularly invokes the "Chamberlain/appeasement" cliche for anyone who does not crave war with Iran -- denounced President Reagan's rapprochement with Gorbachev in 1985 as potentially "the most dangerous summit for the West since Adolf Hitler met with Chamberlain in 1938 at Munich." Don Rumsfeld -- who gave a controversial 2006 speech likening war opponents to 1938 appeasers (and used the same 1939 quote as Bush just used from the U.S. Senator who wanted to talk to Hitler) -- has been tossing around the Chamberlain insult in order to promote his pro-war views for almost 30 years. The Associated Press reported on November 26, 1979 on efforts to oppose ratification of the SALT treaty:

"Our nation's situation is more dangerous today than it has been any time since Neville Chamberlain left Munich, setting the stage for World War II," Rumsfeld said at a news conference.

The people who think this way, who casually toss the Chamberlain slur around towards anyone who doesn't crave more war, today claim the Canonized Ronald Reagan as their Patron Saint of Strength and Greatness. But, back in the 1980s, people who thought that way were so far on the crazed fringe that they believed Ronald Reagan was too far to the Left, that he was the New Neville Chamberlain, "appeasing" the Soviet Union by sitting down and speaking with them in an effort to achieve a negotiated peace. Today, those same people and their core mentality dominate and define the Republican Party.

-- Glenn Greenwald

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

anyone else think Kevin James could pass for Nicolas ??

Matthews rips right wing Talkie Kevin James because he doesn?t know who Neville Chamberlain is

Crooks and Liars

President Bush made outrageous claims today in Israel, saying that Democrats were appeasers to Iran as you know since it?s the hot topic of the day. Right wing talker Kevin James tried to call Obama ?Neville Chamberlain,? but as is usually the case with these talk show conservative hosts, he knew nothing about the historical facts revolving around Chamberlain and what happened as Hitler took power and started a war with Europe. I guess just repeating RW talking points doesn?t work sometimes.
Chris: You are BS?ing me? You don?t know what you?re talking about.
Download | Play Download | Play (h/t Heather)
Rough transcript:
Chris: I want to do a little history check on you?what did Neville Chamberlain do wrong in 1939? What did he do wrong?
Kevin: It all goes back to appeasement. It?s the key term.
Chris: No, what did he do, tell me what he did?
Kevin: It?s the key term.
Chris: You have to answer this question. What did he do?
Kevin: It?s the same thing, it puts it all?
Chris: Well tell me what he did?
Kevin: It?s appeasement.
Chris: What did Chamberlain do wrong..
Kevin: His actions, his actions enabled, energized, legitimized
Chris: What did Chamberlain do?
Kevin: It?s the exact same thing.
Chris: No stop, Kevin. I?m not going to continue with this interview unless you answer what that thing is. What did Chamberlain do in ?39, tell me? ?38?
Kevin: Chris, it?s the exact same thing alright?
Chris: What did he do? <Yelling> What did he do!


EOG Veteran
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

Bush's granddad-Prescott Bush was not only a Nazi sympathizer-he was in business with those murderous scum-Pappy is in business with the Bin Laden crime family in the Carlyle Group! For Chimpy McCokespoon to yap on about "appeasing" is a joke-since we're appeasing the N. Koreans RIGHT NOW-and didn't the GOP HERO-Ronbo RAYGUNS "negotiate " with The EVIL EMPIRE??? Bet your bullshited stinking ass , he did!! Take a rest , you neo-con artist-STFU!!!


EOG Veteran
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

...And to say all of this bullcrap in a foreign country is a joke-especially since Chimpy, ****alisa, and the rest are forcing Israel to negotiate with terrorists-the Fatah AKA the PLO!! What a friggin' joke-and the moronic Israelis in the Knesset applaud their own demise at the hands of the guzzlers of oil!!! Israel is just collateral damage for the Bu$h crime family when all is said and done!!


EOG Veteran
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

Go back to Greece and fight the Commies-oops sorry-the Greeks appeased the Commies BEFORE they took over!!! You hypocritical cretin-you have the credibility of Oliver North on a bad day of testimony at the Iran-Contra hearings!! Go back to making WNBA selections-or just stop posting these friggin' lies,scumbag!!!
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

Bush's granddad-Prescott Bush was not only a Nazi sympathizer-he was in business with those murderous scum-Pappy is in business with the Bin Laden crime family in the Carlyle Group! For Chimpy McCokespoon to yap on about "appeasing" is a joke-since we're appeasing the N. Koreans RIGHT NOW-and didn't the GOP HERO-Ronbo RAYGUNS "negotiate " with The EVIL EMPIRE??? Bet your bullshited stinking ass , he did!! Take a rest , you neo-con artist-STFU!!!

Reagan's method of negotiating with the Evil Empire was to place Pershing missiles in Europe. Soviets laid down like a cheap whore after that. When the bully fucks with you, you better respond with a sharp punch directly to the nose. Soviets knew full well that Reagan was not fucking around.

To Say Reagan was an Appeaser is like saying the Obama actually has a brain. I think Obama is talking to the scare crow this week asking how he can get to the Wizard of Oz so he can acquire a brain.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

Nicolas opens his yap ...the laughter follows ...



Glenn Greenwald
Saturday May 17, 2008 07:35 EDT
Ronald Reagan: Chamberlainian appeaser of the 1980s

One of the most significant political developments over the last decade or so is that the defining views of what was once the extremist right-wing fringe have become mainstream. Few things illustrate that development more than this week's branding by George Bush, John McCain and Bill Kristol of Barack Obama (and anyone who prefers negotiations to knee-jerk wars with Israel's enemies as the optimal method for conflict resolution) as a Neville Chamberlain-like "appeaser."

This is the same exact insult, grounded in the same war-cheerleading mentality, that was hurled by the extreme Far Right at Ronald Reagan in the 1980s because he sought to negotiate with that decade's Evil Empire. Conservative Caucus Chair Howard Phillips, for instance, "scorned President Reagan as 'a useful idiot for Kremlin propaganda,'" and published ads which, according to a January 20, 1988 UPI article (via LEXIS):

likens Reagan's signing of the INF Treaty to British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's signing of an accord with Nazi Germany's Adolf Hitler in 1938. The ad, with the headline, "Appeasement Is As Unwise In 1988 As In 1938," shows pictures of Chamberlain, Hitler, Reagan and Gorbachev overhung by an umbrella. Chamberlain carried an umbrella and it became a World War II symbol for appeasement.

According to the January 19, 1988 St. Louis Post-Dispatch, when Pat Robertson was campaigning for President in Missouri in 1988, he "suggested that President Ronald Reagan could be compared to Neville Chamberlain . . . by agreeing to a medium-range nuclear arms agreement with Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev." The Orange Country Register editorialized in September, 1988 that "Ronald Reagan has become the Neville Chamberlain of the 1980s. The apparent peace of 1988 may be followed by the new wars of 1989 or 1990."

Newt Gingrich -- who today regularly invokes the "Chamberlain/appeasement" cliche for anyone who does not crave war with Iran -- denounced President Reagan's rapprochement with Gorbachev in 1985 as potentially "the most dangerous summit for the West since Adolf Hitler met with Chamberlain in 1938 at Munich." Don Rumsfeld -- who gave a controversial 2006 speech likening war opponents to 1938 appeasers (and used the same 1939 quote as Bush just used from the U.S. Senator who wanted to talk to Hitler) -- has been tossing around the Chamberlain insult in order to promote his pro-war views for almost 30 years. The Associated Press reported on November 26, 1979 on efforts to oppose ratification of the SALT treaty:

"Our nation's situation is more dangerous today than it has been any time since Neville Chamberlain left Munich, setting the stage for World War II," Rumsfeld said at a news conference.

The people who think this way, who casually toss the Chamberlain slur around towards anyone who doesn't crave more war, today claim the Canonized Ronald Reagan as their Patron Saint of Strength and Greatness. But, back in the 1980s, people who thought that way were so far on the crazed fringe that they believed Ronald Reagan was too far to the Left, that he was the New Neville Chamberlain, "appeasing" the Soviet Union by sitting down and speaking with them in an effort to achieve a negotiated peace. Today, those same people and their core mentality dominate and define the Republican Party.

-- Glenn Greenwald

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

Speaking of an "Appeaser"

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td><table border="1" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="23"><tbody><tr><td> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>
Shaking Hands: Iraqi President Saddam Hussein greets Donald Rumsfeld, then special envoy of President Ronald Reagan, in Baghdad on December 20, 1983.
</td> </tr> </tbody></table> [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein:
The U.S. Tilts toward Iraq, 1980-1984

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

President Ronald Reagan - The Appeaser!

Submitted by Grace Kelly on May 15, 2008 - 4:13pm. Really, the senior moments of Senile John McCain seem to be coming more frequently. John McCain said today:

<dl><dd>?I believe that it?s not an accident that our hostages came home from Iran when President Reagan was president of the United States. He didn?t sit down in a negotiation with the religious extremists in Iran, he made it very clear that those hostages were coming home.'?(New York Times) </dd></dl>
Well, actually the President Reagan administration did sit down in a negotiation with the religious extremists in the Iran-Contra Scandal, which President Reagan admitted:

<dl><dd>On March 4, 1987, Reagan returned to the airwaves in a nationally televised address, taking full responsibility for any actions that he was unaware of, and admitting that "what began as a strategic opening to Iran deteriorated, in its implementation, into trading arms for hostages.(Wiki) </dd></dl>
Which means in Republican terms, that President Reagan was an Appeaser!

As for the incident of Iran held hostages, that was done in the President Carter administration, and the hostage release was negotiated by the President Carter administration, although in very suspicious timing, the hostages were actually released twenty minutes after Reagan's inaugural address.
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

didn't the GOP HERO-Ronbo RAYGUNS "negotiate " with The EVIL EMPIRE??? Bet your bullshited stinking ass , he did!! Take a rest , you neo-con artist-STFU!!!

The master at dealing from a position of strength. The Soviet Empire crumbled under his watch after decades of everyone being afraid of them.
Join the Republican party today if you want to save your country from attacks in the future.



EOG Veteran
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

The Soviets "crumbled" because we went into a recession by outspending them on weaponry with money borrowed from abroad-just like NOW-MORON!!! The only difference is our enemies today have the funds to put us deeper in the poor house than we are already-the Saudis,etc-and they can f*ck us up at the pump,too! How's that dollar value working for ya, sparky???

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??








EOG Veteran
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

This shmuck and failure,Rayguns showed American stooges and idiots like you-that we could have what we want-and NOT pay for it! Borrow and spend-what a concept-just like Chimpy now-go to war and give tax breaks to the people who don't need it and wo didn't ask for it! Great economic policy,huh-Jerk??? Well-at least he gave up golf for the war-a great American-no, not president-a great American liar and war criminal!!


EOG Veteran
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

Joining the GOP(Gangsters ON Parade) will be like joining the Dixicrats or the Whig party after McNuts gets pummeled and the undercard gets crushed, too.Can't wait for a filibuster-proof senate and a human with an IQ above 50 in the White House!!
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

The Soviets "crumbled" because we went into a recession by outspending them on weaponry with money borrowed from abroad-just like NOW-MORON!!! The only difference is our enemies today have the funds to put us deeper in the poor house than we are already-the Saudis,etc-and they can f*ck us up at the pump,too! How's that dollar value working for ya, sparky???


And I suppose Reagan had nothing to do with that ????

You cock sucking liberals in San Francisco always hated the "Great Liberator", Ronald Reagan. Reagan is generally thought of now as one of the top 5 presidents of all time. I know that bugs the living shit out you that Reagan finally showed the world what a shitty economic model communism is. That goes against everything the Democrats are fighting for like socialism.


EOG Veteran
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

Yeah you dick-sucking neo-con artist-he liberated....Granada! Reagan had the economic sense of.......Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya-Borrow and spend policies COST US MORE,johnny jerkemhoff!!!


EOG Master
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

Guys, Mr. Hoffa stated it best in another thread. When having a worthwhile debate attack the posts not the posters!

In the end, attacking the post gives you more credibility than attacking the poster does.


EOG Veteran
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

And when are your fraud heroes going to "liberate" Cuba??? All these failed Repuke presidents sucking off the moronic Cuban "Calle Ocho Warriors" in Miami-and NEVER doing anything to liberate Cuba----No Oil-No problem!!! Besides-a free Cuba would crush our sugar industry and all those fucking billoions in subsidies going to the same Rpuke assholes who have polluted the Everglades for the last 50 years---Sun-Flo,etc etc!! Waiting for Buchanan and North to come back to Little Havana to suck on some more Cuban dick-you,too!!!


EOG Veteran
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

Blondie-shut the F UP!!! When we want a referee, we'll ask you to be that person!!!

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

Bush talked with North Korea ..... APPEASER
Rice wants to talk with Iran ...... APPEASER
Gates wants to talk with Iran ......APPEASER
Reagan talked to Gorbachev ........APPEASER
McBush wanted to talk w/Hamas .... APPEASER

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??


Nicolas forgets one simple fact:

Bush mentions a Senator .... You mean isolationist Republican Senator and Republican National Committee member from Idaho William Borah?

Lets see ..... Bush brings up Hitler? Ghees .... maybe for a reason:

Misleading our nation to invade a country with absolutely no ties to our darkest day (9/11).
Illegally torturing captives
Secretly monitoring our citizens
Outing agents who disagree with the government

No offensive, Nicolas, but that?s more Nazi like than anything Obama has to offer !!!


EOG Veteran
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

This stuff is great,AntiGWB-your Bildeberg blog blows-and I crushed you and your arguments there! What a schizoid you are-here-great....there-a foolish dolt!!!!

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??


Interesting ...... I simply stated where there next meeting is at and you
go nutso

Please dont mix Vodka with your prescriptions and you wont appear to
be so mentally unbalanced
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

The point that everyone is missing is that none of the candidates have proposed negotiating or appeasing Al Qaeda, the group we are told is responsible for September 11.
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

Who?s the Real Appeaser?

This administration's few successes have come when it's agreed to engage with adversaries.

President Bush chose an odd place and time to claim that talking to "terrorists and radicals" in the Middle East is like appeasing Hitler in the 1930s. As Bush was speaking in Israel, his preferred strategy against such adversaries was collapsing next door in Lebanon. Over the past two weeks the Lebanese government, which is strongly backed by Washington, decided to confront the Shiite group Hizbullah by firing a loyalist who was head of security at Beirut airport and suspending the group's dedicated phone network. The Iranian-backed Hizbullah retaliated, taking over large parts of Beirut and paralyzing the country. Last week the Lebanese cabinet humiliatingly reversed itself on both fronts. Iran 1, USA 0.

The Bush administration's strategy against Hizbullah has consisted of a mix of isolation, belligerence and military pressure. It refuses to talk to the group or its supporters in Tehran and Damascus. Two years ago, Washington unquestioningly supported Israeli Prime Minister's Ehud Olmert's decision to attack southern Lebanon, Hizbullah's stronghold. The United States provides the Lebanese government and Army with aid and has responded to the current crisis by promising to speed up delivery of weapons. Yet today Hizbullah is stronger in Lebanon, Iran is more influential in the region, and the United States and its ally, Prime Minister Fuad Siniora, have been marginalized.

Why is this? Hizbullah is not like Al Qaeda, a rootless organization that engages solely in existential terrorism. It's a homegrown group with deep roots in Lebanon's Shia community. The organization was formed to oppose Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon and still derives some of its appeal from that history of resistance. It's since become the voice of the Shia community, which is institutionally discriminated against in the country's power structures. (Shiites make up between 30 and 40 percent of the Lebanese population, yet are accorded only 18 percent of parliamentary seats.) Finally, Hizbullah runs an impressive network of social services, which provide health care, small loans and family support. "There is no light between the Shia community of Lebanon and Hizbullah," says Vali Nasr, author of "The Shia Revival."

The foundation of Hizbullah's strength is not just its rockets but the support it can command from 1 million Lebanese Shiites. That's why dealing with the group as a military problem is counterproductive. Augustus Richard Norton, author of the best recent study of Hizbullah, argues that the 2006 war strengthened the group. "I was in Lebanon in late 2007," he told me. "And Shia families that had been neutral for 20 years now accepted Hizbullah's argument that the Shia needed the protection it provided."

The Bush administration's response to the current setback has again been a military one?promising more arms for the Lebanese Army. But the reason Hizbullah was able to wrest control of so much of Beirut was that the Army sat back and refused to intervene. The Army?which mirrors the diversity of the society?was wary of getting involved in a struggle in which it would likely lose militarily and politically.

It's not just Hizbullah. In dealing with many such groups?Hamas, the Taliban?the Bush administration has adopted a macho, exclusively military approach. All three of these groups have a political base in their societies that is deep and enduring. Denouncing them as evil and promising to destroy them will not change that; in fact, doing so only adds to their mystique of resistance and struggle. What we need is a political strategy to combat, contest and weaken the appeal of these groups or to marginalize their violent factions. Such a policy would naturally involve some contact with their leaders, but as part of a much broader effort to engage all groups in these societies politically.

We are trying to handle Lebanon with one hand tied behind our back. We will not make contact with the Syrians or the Iranians to find out if their interests are identical, or to discern the contours of a deal. We have little political leverage and we refuse to engage in a process that might give us some. "It's a much broader regional problem," says Norton. "When I was advising the Iraq Study Group I noticed that though the members disagreed on many things, the one on which there was unanimous support was the need to make contact with Iran." One of the group's members, Bush's own Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, made precisely this argument last week.

Perhaps Gates noticed that violence has declined in Iraq largely because the United States decided to engage with Sunni militants whom it had regarded for years as sworn enemies, giving cash to those whom we called terrorists only a few months earlier. In fact, this administration's few successes have come when it's agreed to talk with its adversaries. Bush authorized negotiations with Libya and North Korea?both of which he regarded as terrorist states and one of which he placed in the Axis of Evil. As for Iran, we've talked with Iranian officials on several occasions over issues relating to Afghanistan and Iraq. James Dobbins, the administration's representative in the 2002 talks to form the government in Afghanistan, described the Iranians as "straightforward, reliable and helpful. They were critical to our success." President Bush's remarks on the solemn occasion of Israel's 60th anniversary may have been political. But much worse, they were dishonest.

Fareed Zakaria: Who’s the Real Appeaser? | Newsweek Voices - Fareed Zakaria | Newsweek.com

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

Well Dime ... this should be good !!

Lets see ....

* Roscoe .... "bullshit .... prove it ..."

* Nicolas .... "Gates is a Pussy and Condi sounds like a Hamas name anyway "


EOG Master
Re: Why do Democrats hate being called Appeasers ??

You need to take it a little easier there Hot shot. Blondie is a friend of mine.

RD, no biggie. I've been told worse on and off of here. I would rather him type to me that way then the other posters. :cheers