pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth


9/11 Documentaries & Videos - Pandora's Black Box - Flight Of American 77

Pandora's Black Box - Flight Of American 77

"Chapter Two of the Pandora's Black Box Series. Get your very own personal High Quality DVD of the long awaited release covering the entire flight in detail as provided by the National Transportation Safety Board. This feature film follows the flight as it happens in real time throughout the Air Traffic Control System on September 11, 2001. Analysis includes The Flight Data Recorder, The money and cover-up, Air Traffic Control and Radar, NORAD response and the shocking conflicts/possibilities based on information provided by the US Government. Extras include phone calls with a Flight Data Recorder expert regarding Flight Data Recorder accuracy and new calls with the FBI trying to get answers. A Must See!"

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

Gosh ...

just "dont get it" where our fighter jets were that morning .... the things
that make one go "hmmmmmm"

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth


I take it the "Mod" is a diehard Bush FLOCK member from what I've seen ...

Love it how "Dirty" yaps how gas prices are not set yet I dropped
in Palast getting Rove's email regarding fucking Americans on gasoline
prices once they took over Iraq and the "Mod" disappeared

It is fun taking on the Righties as they are clueless on every issue


Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

still no one watches these great pieces of evidence


Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

c'mon you brave neocons, comment on this


EOG Veteran
Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

"Hani Hanjour [one of the hijackers of Flight 77] allegedly executes a 330-degree turn at 530 miles per hour, descending 7000 feet in two and a half minutes to crash... into the ground floor of the Pentagon." The documentary cites a pilot named Russ Wittenberg who claims that a Boeing 757 "could not possibly have flown at those speeds... without going into a high speed stall... The airplane won't go that fast when you start pulling those high G maneuvers".
The maneuvers described are well within the capabilities of a Boeing 757, which is rated for much higher G-forces than such a turn would produce (see here; be aware that this site claims the plane was remotely controlled, a conspiracy hypothesis to which I do not subscribe).
The film quotes Danielle O'Brien, an air traffic controller on duty on 9/11, who says of Flight 77, "The speed, the maneuverability, the way that he turned, we all thought... that it was a military plane."
Although other factual errors in the film can be explained as simple mistakes or oversights, this is the first one that cannot be. This is an example of the flatly dishonest tactic called "quote-mining", often employed by creationists, in which a person's words are made to seem to be saying something other than they are by removing relevant context. As the full quote shows, the air traffic controllers thought Flight 77 was a military plane not because it displayed any unusual speed or maneuverability, but because it was flying in a fashion that would have been highly dangerous for any commercial airliner. Obviously, the hijackers were not concerned about the safety of the passengers.
The film discusses the damage to light poles near the Pentagon, which were ripped out of the ground by collisions with Flight 77's wings as the hijacked plane made its final approach. "Flight 77 managed to tear five light poles completely out of the ground without damaging either the wings or the light poles themselves."
At first glance, this might seem like an anomaly. But as previously mentioned, the filmmakers' proposed explanation is that the Pentagon was damaged by a cruise missile. The Tomahawk cruise missile, which they mention specifically, has a wingspan that is all of eight feet. How could such a missile possibly have knocked down the light poles? This is a question the filmmakers ignore.
This is yet another example of the conspiracy tactic which I call "the unexplained sinister assertion": some apparently anomalous piece of evidence which the filmmakers state in deeply sinister tones, implying that it is an insurmountable problem for the ordinary explanation. But then they never explain how their conspiracy hypothesis accounts for it any better. In fact, in some cases (such as this one), the ordinary explanation accounts for it much better than the conspiracy hypothesis.
Why assume, in any case, that this impact did not damage the plane's wings? They might well have been disintegrating already by the time the plane impacted the building. Significant amounts of debris were found on the Pentagon's lawn (photos). Additionally, the claim that the knocked-down light poles were undamaged is false. In reality, they were severely bent and even sheared off at the top by the force of the impact. See photos here and here.
"Why is there absolutely no trace of Flight 77? ... The official explanation is that the intense heat from the jet fuel vaporized the entire plane."
I would very much like to know who proposed this "official explanation", because it is plainly ludicrous. I suspect it is a straw man of the filmmakers' invention. To my knowledge, no one has ever suggested that Flight 77 was entirely vaporized by the heat of the explosion; rather, Flight 77 disintegrated because it was crashed at 350 mph into a nine-foot-thick wall of reinforced concrete and steel. (The filmmakers' comparisons to other plane crashes which left significantly more debris are irrelevant, since the cases they cite concern planes that crashed into the ground, a considerably softer medium.) Such a catastrophic impact would not be expected to leave large pieces of the plane intact. However, that fact notwithstanding, a significant amount of recognizable debris was found - including body parts and even bodies of passengers still strapped into their seats (source, and additional photos; see also here). Additionally, Flight 77's black box and cockpit voice recorder were both also found (source).
Among the debris found at the Pentagon was a piece of a single turbojet engine, approximately 3 feet in diameter, which some have claimed was part of the plane's auxiliary power unit (APU). The film quotes spokespeople from Pratt & Whitney and Rolls-Royce, the two companies that manufacture 757 engines, both of which claimed it was not a part from their company's engines.
The claim about this component being part of an APU is apparently untrue, and seems to be a red herring cited by the filmmakers. In reality, experts who have studied the photos have concluded that it was probably part of a compressor or turbine disk from the Rolls-Royce RB211-535 turbofan engine, which American Airlines 757s are equipped with (source).
The Rolls-Royce spokesperson may simply have been mistaken; alternatively, this may be another instance of deliberate quote-mining by the filmmakers. The quote they briefly show says that the spokesperson claimed this was not a part of a Rolls-Royce AE 3007H engine, a different model than that of a 757. The AE 3007H engine is installed on, among other things, the unmanned Global Hawk surveillance craft. Some conspiracy theories, although not LC, claim a Global Hawk struck the Pentagon. This claim therefore refutes, not supports, conspiracy ideas. Confusingly, LC also implies that the part may have come from a U.S. A-3 Skywarrior fighter plane, which would contradict the film's own explanation if it were true. Consistency does not seem to be a great concern of the filmmakers.
"...Employees at the Pentagon were seen carrying away a large box, shrouded in a blue tarp. Why the mystery?"
The filmmakers have debunked their own claim here, as acknowledged in this post from LC's official forum.
"Why is the damage to the Pentagon completely inconsistent with a Boeing 757? ...The only damage to the outer wall is a single hole, no more than 16 feet in diameter." The film claims that a 155-foot-long 757 should have caused more damage, and asks why there is no visible hole from where the wings and engines slammed into the building.
To begin with, the real world is not a Warner Brothers cartoon. A plane crashed at high speed into a solid object will not leave a hole that is an exact silhouette of itself. This is especially true if, as eyewitness reports indicate, the plane crashed and skidded along the ground before striking the Pentagon; in such case, its wings would already have been disintegrating before impacting the building. Nevertheless, there is extensive damage to the Pentagon consistent with the impact of a jumbo jet. See here for a large picture (warning: 2.3 MB image), and here for a gallery of somewhat smaller photos. Clearly, although the plane's wings did not punch cartoon-like holes into the Pentagon, they did inflict extensive damage to its facade. (As multiple sites have pointed out, airplane wings are designed to be as light as possible, and would have shredded upon impact with the building's heavily reinforced load-bearing columns.) See here and here for detailed analyses.
The film asks (00:17:55) what happened to the plane's massive, six-ton main engines, and the answer is that they did indeed punch into the Pentagon. An Army report on the cleanup two weeks after 9/11 (source) says: "On the inside wall of the second ring of the Pentagon, a nearly circular hole, about 12-feet wide, allows light to pour into the building from an internal service alley. An aircraft engine punched the hole out on its last flight after being broken loose from its moorings on the plane."
"...Why did people keep reporting a second explosion at the Pentagon [after the plane had crashed]?" [The film plays several clips of live news reports from 9/11 citing reports of secondary explosions.]
This is another example of the unexplained sinister assertion. Why would we expect secondary explosions from the impact of a cruise missile but not from the crash of a jumbo jet?
"Surveillance cameras from a gas station, Sheraton hotel, and the Virginia Department of Transportation captured the entire thing. [The film shows vantage points from these places overlooking the Pentagon.] However, the FBI was there within minutes to confiscate the tapes... If the government wishes to prove once and for all that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon, all they would have to do is release one of those tapes."
I too would encourage the public release of these tapes, assuming these claims are accurate. However, when evidence does exist contradicting the preferred conspiracy hypothesis - recordings of phone calls made by passengers on the hijacked planes, which will be discussed later - the filmmakers simply appeal, without a shred of embarrassment, to secret government technology that can allegedly be used to imitate people's voices. If these tapes were produced, what would prevent the conspiracists from claiming they too were forgeries?
"...Why do satellite photos taken four days before 9/11 show a white marking on the front lawn [shows satellite photo of an 'H'-shaped mark on the ground outside the building], marking almost the exact trajectory of whatever hit the Pentagon four days later?"
This is yet another example of the unexplained sinister assertion. Why would a cruise missile need a white mark on the ground to guide it to its target?
In fact, the entire Pentagon conspiracy hypothesis is an example of the unexplained sinister assertion on a grand scale. Assuming that the U.S. government wanted to stage an attack on the Pentagon and went to all the trouble of making a commercial jumbo jet and all its passengers disappear to make it seem as if it had been used as the weapon, why would they not just actually crash the plane into the Pentagon? What on earth would be the point of using a cruise missile instead? This is a massive logical gap which this movie never even attempts to answer.
Many conspiracy theories suffer from this defect, which I call the fallacy of unnecessary complexity. Given the sinister nature of the average conspiracy theory, why would the plotters choose a scheme involving a byzantine, sometimes Rube Goldbergian, amount of superfluous complication - vastly increasing both the risk of failure and the risk of discovery - when a much simpler plan would have achieved their goals just as well? To name one example, if the assassination of President Kennedy was a conspiracy, why would the conspirators adopt the insanely risky scheme of shooting him in broad daylight with thousands of people watching, when they could have poisoned him in some surreptitious manner and attributed his death to a stroke or heart attack?
There is one more problem for 9/11 conspiracy theorists - a big one. Unlike the crash in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, the impact on the Pentagon took place in a heavily populated area. As the film itself notes (00:13:25), "[Flight 77's] final approach took it directly across Interstate 395." Given this fact, one would expect there to be a great number of people who witnessed the crash, and indeed this is the case. The problem for the conspiracists is that these people, virtually without exception, reported seeing a Boeing 757 - and not a cruise missile - hit the Pentagon. (Read testimonies of eyewitnesses here, here, here and here.)
LC veers away from this devastating evidence, creating an illusion of equivalence by stating only that "some" people saw a commercial airliner while others saw "a small, 8-to-20-passenger commuter plane" (00:24:25). However, the reality is that the overwhelming majority of witnesses saw a jumbo jet crash into the Pentagon; the scattered accounts of a smaller plane can easily be explained as mistakes, considering the brief time people had to witness such a shocking event. By contrast, no one has reported seeing a missile. Even the filmmakers' star witness, a woman named April Gallop who was injured in the attack and claims she was pressured by mysterious government agents while in the hospital (00:24:55), never claims to have seen a missile. The filmmakers imply that this wild story is sufficient justification to reject the eyewitness accounts. Even if it is true, which seems doubtful, are we to believe that these sinister men in black tracked down every single witness to the impact - all the hundreds of people who were in the Pentagon, in buildings that overlooked the Pentagon, or driving down the road by the Pentagon - before any had a chance to talk to the media, and successfully coerced or blackmailed every single one into lying about what they had seen? This shows clearly what a ludicrously vast scope a putative 9/11 conspiracy would have to have to be successful.
Any scientific theory worth its salt is supported by not just one, but multiple lines of evidence all independently converging on the same conclusion. That is exactly the case here. We have a commercial plane, American Airlines Flight 77, missing along with all of its passengers (and what exactly do conspiracists suppose happened to those people?); we have numerous eyewitness reports of a jumbo jet striking the Pentagon; we have debris consistent with the crash of a Boeing 757, including the black box and cockpit data recorder; we have evidence of phone calls made by passengers on the hijacked flight, including Barbara Olson, the wife of U.S. Solicitor General Ted Olson (source); and last but not least, we have forensic data identifying all 64 people aboard the plane through DNA and dental records. (See here for a flight manifest.) There is only one conclusion to be drawn from the weight of this combined evidence, and that is that the hijacked Flight 77, and not a missile, crashed into the Pentagon on September 11. Assertions to the contrary are without grounding in logic or common sense.


Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

the above message has been paid for by Mossad....
cant think for yourself Rosclueless...
you would make a nice little whore for the Russian Mob...
sellout traitor


Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

The head of the terrorism task for from Isreal died that day on the flight to hit the tower.

you think guys with box cutters sitting in the next aisle could take on this guy....
911 is a false flag isreal/cia operation...
they are now war criminals...


Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

so excogitate that in your own words, you obviously watched the video in less then full running time and cut and pasted another langley response, and you now believe that the pilots for truth lied about the information afforded them by the government when the pilots prove that flight 77 was flying several hundered feet too high to strike the pentagon ..

c'mon, roscoe, old chum, in your own words, just once, pretty please?

and for gall durn sakes check the forum with the usa soldiers murdering iraqis, youve been ducking that challenge all day, obviously you are not busy, just scared :)


EOG Veteran
Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth



EOG Veteran
Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth



Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

i didnt call them that, they just went out and murdered and joy rided and shot innocents and then gang raped and mudered a 14 y-o girl then shot her family and left them in their home to bleed to death ... course these brave soldiers took off their unis and wore masks, it was just a little harmless prank ... then that other brave soldier shot your brethren sheep and at a herder and tossed a puppy off a cliff, and made lil kids chant "fuck iraq" and "i like jizz on my face" and more mature "eating-cornhole" coments to adults ...

yeah these guys are all heroes, way to REPRESENT! :)

go watch and learn, you lemming


Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

Here iHere is the seating chart for Flight 11s the seating chart for Flight 11
Four Arabs, and a Capt in Israel?s counter-terror and assassin team.

Danny Lewin - Captain In Sayeret Matkal



Sayeret Matkal Is Israel's Unit Of 'Counter Terror - Anti Hijacking Commandos'

<CENTER><TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" borderColor=#111111 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="68%" bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width="100%" bgColor=#27235c> </TD></TR><TR><TD width="100%" bgColor=#27235c> </TD></TR><TR><TD width="100%" bgColor=#27235c> </TD></TR><TR><TD width="100%" bgColor=#27235c> </TD></TR><TR><TD width="100%" bgColor=#27235c> </TD></TR><TR><TD width="100%" bgColor=#27235c> </TD></TR><TR><TD width="100%" bgColor=#27235c> </TD></TR><TR><TD width="100%"> </TD></TR><TR><TD width="100%">
There Is Nothing Complicated With 9/11
The most overlooked fact about 9/11 is, that Israel had a Sayeret Matkal Captain in the middle of all of it. So you have to believe a top Israeli agent walks into a jet, past these four ?Camel Jockeys', in an empty first class, and sees nothing wrong ?

Figure the odds
A top Sayeret Matkal operative, on Fl 11, with four Arabs, in an empty first class, and getting shot, etc. The odds are a billion to one. The Sayeret Matkal specialty is an "Aircraft takeover" squad. And the stewardess, Betty Ong, initially identified his seat #, as the shooter.
If these really were Arabs on those jets, then lets see the boarding videos. The reason you never saw the boarding videos is because, these were Israelis.
</TD></TR><TR><TD width="100%"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER>​


Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

Here is the seating chart for Fl<TABLE width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width="100%">
<BIG><BIG><BIG>The Sayeret Matkal and flight 11</BIG></BIG></BIG>

<CENTER><TABLE cellPadding=6 width="67%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width="100%" bgColor=#ffffff>
This site explores what a Captain from the<SMALL> " World's most elite anti hijacking team "</SMALL> was doing on flight 11, and involved in a shooting

Daniel Lewin

These stewardesses called in and said
" The passenger in 9-A was shooting the pilots and leading the hijacking "
<CENTER><TABLE height=156 width="75%" bgColor=#c0c0c0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width="50%" height=152>
</TD><TD width="50%" height=152>
Story was later changed that Lewin was shot​

<CENTER><TABLE cellPadding=6 width="75%" bgColor=#c2cefe border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width="100%" bgColor=#c2cefe>
<BIG>Sayeret Matkal</BIG>

Israel's elite team that handles aircraft hijackings and assassinations

<CENTER><TABLE height=113 cellPadding=7 width="90%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=center width="100%" bgColor=#ffffff height=97>
In charge on foreign CT missions.<O:p> <O:p>They specialize in aircraft takeovers, and assassinations. There have been rumors linking them with several recent operations, but these have never been confirmed by the IDF.​

The unit , of only 200 , is often disguised as women and Arabs
<CENTER><TABLE height=204 cellPadding=6 width="85%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width="100%" bgColor=#ffffff height=190>​
During the 1970s and 1980s, Sayeret Matkal - a secretive Israeli anti-terrorist unit (akin to the Delta Force) - thwarted many attempted hijackings. (In 1976, its commandos, disguised as flight mechanics, famously stormed a grounded Air France plane and freed 103 Jewish hostages on an airfield in Entebbe, Uganda.) Members of this unit are trained on the finer points of looking and thinking like an Arab, and have been credited with conducting numerous death-squad killings, disguised as civilians.

<BIG><BIG>Here are some of their typical operations</BIG></BIG>​

<CENTER><TABLE width="71%" bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width="100%">
Palestinians hijack a jet to Kenya and the Sayeret Matkal flew in at night and killed all the Arabs.​

</TD></TR><TR><TD width="100%">
</TD></TR><TR><TD width="100%"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER>​

<CENTER><TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="71%" bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width="100%" bgColor=#ffffff> </TD></TR><TR><TD width="100%" bgColor=#ffffff>
Operation Isotope, May 1972​

Sayeret Matkal storms the plane and rescues jews
</TD></TR><TR><TD width="100%" bgColor=#ffffff> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER>​

<CENTER><TABLE height=901 width="75%" bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width="100%" height=81>
<BIG><BIG><BIG>Operation gift</BIG></BIG></BIG>​
</TD></TR><TR><TD width="100%" height=91>
On July 22, 1968, terrorists hijacked an El Al airliner on its way from Israel to Rome. On November 26, 1968, two terrorists fired at an El Al airliner about to take off from Athens Airport - killing two.
Israel retaliated by sending the Counter Terror unit , Sayeret Matkal into
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></O:p></O:p>ght 11</CENTER>​


Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

amusing too stucco, not an iraqi boxcutter involved, yet neocons earmark their country for invasion ... arent there some conflict diamond nations that could use some cleaning up too ... when did the usa become the sheriff of the planet?


Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

devil, merlin, kick your shoes off, take a lil gander :)

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth


GOD DAMN AMERICA!!! ... stop making Bunker or Merlin think ... that exercise leads them straight to the bottle as those "fellas" are shaky
enough posting sober let alone all shit faced IMing Nicolas for "advice"



Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

still patiently waiting for this to be rebuked :)


Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

that isreal commando was think you could base your opinions on 4 arabs with box cutters taking on this isreal stud....doesnt make sense...

this guy was feared....and he let 4 rag heads beat his ass....

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

there is something about not having the FLOCK members "educate"
Dime and Stucco that make this boring ...

FLOCK MEMBERS .. where art thou?


Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth



Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

of all the evidence, guys, this one was reluctantly given via the freedom of information act and PROVES that the gov. is lying, that flight 77 was mucked with, and flew several hundred feet too high to ever hit the pentagon ...

now i ask in all naivete, why wouldnt bob woodward take this and run? bc hes a coward and all the mainstream is on the take ... so when people ask, how can you trust anything on the NET? well dumbasses, bc theres nothing on network or cable TV that even sniffs of moral probity ...

we should rest our cases on the fact that you cant find 5 mins on IRAQ anymore on TV -- whatya hiding 43? the one million slaughtered innocents of IRAQ, or the DU babies born with the most hideous birth defects since thalidomide


so roscoe, how bout your own words? you guys sicken me, always accusing the rest of us of cutting and pasting when you NEVER, repeat NEVER come into a real debate of words.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

Roscoe: a "lost soul" many ways I feel for the young man as Dirty or Devil probably told him that Karl Rove posts here and dont fuck up by "thinking on
your own .." / I think we can save him !!


EOG Veteran
Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

<TABLE class=container><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=center> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=+1]The Pentagon - Photographic evidence suggesting that Flight 77 was responsible[/SIZE][/FONT]
First, there is the matter of the generator sitting in front of the Pentagon. As you can see from the picture below, this generator was knocked about 45 degrees towards the Pentagon:

Clearly, you cannot argue that this was moved by an explosion since the generator moved TOWARDS the explosion, not to mention that the other objects next to the generator appear to still be perfectly parallel with the Pentagon. The only thing that could have knocked the generator towards the building is if something hit it, like an airplane perhaps. If it was hit, one would expect a chunk of the generator to be knocked off, right? As it so happens, this is exactly the case:

This fact is also addressed in the youtube video posted in my previous post, which does a fantastic job of explaining the Pentagon crash. I highly recommend you check it out if you haven't already.

It may also do you well to look at a fence next to the generator discussed above:

As you can see, part of the fence has been knocked out, and yet other parts still remain standing and perfectly intact. Could it be that the engine of the 757 caused this damage? And if not, what did? Obviously something's a picture of the fence and generator damage combined, along with a general view of the Pentagon after the building area above the damage zone collapsed:

(I don't know why the resolution of this picture is bad; the original picture on the website from the previous post has a link to the larger, high-resolution version of this picture. At any rate, you should be able to see the fence / generator damage here.)

Having said that, allow me to debunk the claim that no traces of Flight 77 were found at the Pentagon.

Watch the end of Mike Wilson's youtube video from the previous also contains several pictures of debris found at the crash site.

I might add that none of the debris that actually was recovered at the scene has been at all linked to bombs, missiles, or any airplane other than a Boeing 757. So what do you think? I've gone pretty far into the analysis at this point, so is it a coincidence that the hole size matches the damage that would be done by Flight 77? Is it a coincidence that the light pole damage, fence damage, and generator damage all support the theory that it was Flight 77? Is it a coincidence that over 100 eyewitnesses saw an airplane crash into the building and that several of them specifically mentioned an American Airlines flight? Was all of this evidence planted on the scene without anyone noticing, even these pieces sitting out in plain daylight in the middle of the lawn, where people would easily observe the planting of evidence? Nevertheless, there are still skeptics who latch on to obscure details and try to prove...well, I'm not sure what they're trying to prove most of the time, but I'm guessing it's something about the official story being wrong.

For example, a member of the Loose Change Forum, a forum dedicated to uncovering as many random details about 9/11 as possible and not at all dedicated to tying any of said details together, posted the following picture to show that there was practically no damage done to the Pentagon:

I told the guy that he isn't even showing the main damage area on the Pentagon and posted the following picture:

The thread died shortly after I pointed this out.

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Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

the above message was paid for by DARPA....
regardless those pictures represent a tragic day in world history...
the day big brother made his push...


Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

hey roscoe, do you have a voice?

did you watch the video, bc i know you dont read even what you post ...

roscoe, did you get a chance to watch those vids on that soldier that raped and killed the 14 y-o grl then murdered her entire family?

maybe you can find a cut and paste to answer both

thank you, have a nice weekend :)


Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

keep trying....rosclueless......


Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

poor misguided roscoe,

if flight 77 hit these poles it would not be congruent with the gov. released flight paths that also had the plane going several hundred feet too high, but you would learn that if you watched the video i put in the title of this thread ... also the poles wouldve catawampussed the plane and/or mangled the poles into pretzels

heres lloyd englunds taxi, gang ... how did a light pole shish kebob the windshield and do no damage to the hood etc???? looks like it was hit with mallet

the whole lloyd daniels interview, just hysterical, of course ROSCOE wont watch it

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth


You show up ... the FLOCK run for cover ... my God... if this is the best
Dirty can send over to "debate" I give it less than 4 mths and Dime will
own this island!!! .... Please remember those that early on supported your



Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

thanks anti, but humbly cant take any credit bc it would all go to my mentors: victor and lisa from wingtv, vinnie sammartino, DRG, vyzygoth, ralph schoenman, and many more ... i have a minute field of semi-expertise, but owe much to all you guys who also inspire me to keep digging and passing the word along to fence sitters ... also a special thanks to thor and agent who both got me over here .... ONWARD :)

heres a sample from one of my heroes, this guy is amazing, has huge archive of radio shows.

Ralph Schoenman on the show Taking Aim- "Category of Terror"

Ralph Schoenman on the show Taking Aim- "Category of Terror" - 9 min - Oct 14, 2006

(3 Ratings) Rate:
Ralph Schoenman has been at the center of political analysis for over 35 years. He specializes in the Middle East as he was a first-hand wit...all ? Ralph Schoenman has been at the center of political analysis for over 35 years. He specializes in the Middle East as he was a first-hand witness to the 1982 attack on Lebanon and has just recently returned from the ocupied terrotories of Palestine. Ralph does two weekly shows on independant radio. One show is called Guns and Butter, the other is Taking Aim. He hosts both with his partner Mya Schoen. I highly recommend Schoenman as he has the uncanny knack of cramming lots of info into a short amount of time. You won't find more truth anywhere else... Taking Aim with Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone and


Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth


yeah youd love the old guy, super smart, easy to follow, check his taking aim vids--the series on the london bombings are awesome; also when jeff rense interviews him in 2 parter ....


all-ee all-ee in free .... tag base, proceed to pandora then iraq war vids :)


Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

OSS, no rebuttals? i will keep dredging this until you explain logically how 77 hit the pentagon when passing 200' too high according to gov. released info



Re: pandora's black box flight 77 -- pilots show the truth

this is my fave thread, not one of these dolts will watch these vids that prove 77 and 93 did not fly the paths the neocons insist, and that the sheep's heroes reluctantly handed over this data saying these are the true flight facts and figures etc

ultimate p*ssies for not responding, not a peep out of any of them bc they know deep down this was an inside job of such proportions it makes them wet