How is that "Surge" working??

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
BAGHDAD ? Three weeks after U.S. troops were ordered into the sprawling Shiite Muslim slum of Sadr City to stop rockets from raining down on the U.S. Embassy compound in Baghdad's Green Zone, they're caught in crossfire between Shiite militiamen and the mostly Shiite Iraqi army. American soldiers who try to move around this urban area, even in the U.S. Army's state-of-the-art Stryker armored vehicles, risk being ambushed. The soldiers in a platoon from the 25th Infantry Division quickly learned that holding a position puts them in the line of fire from both the Mahdi Army militia and the U.S.-backed Iraqi forces. The American soldiers can't go on the offensive from the run-down two-story house they commandeered in south Sadr City, but must hunker down and wait to get shot at. An Iraqi family evacuated the house just before the fighting started. It has rats and clogged toilets but no electricity or hot water, and no air conditioning or heating. The American soldiers have had one shower and barely a change of clothes since they got here. Things got a lot worse last weekend, when bullets started flying at the house, targeting soldiers on the rooftop and in the rooms on the second floor. "Where's it coming from?" the soldiers on the roof shouted to one another. more...


Re: How is that "Surge" working??

the only surge going on is from B41 at the bohemian grove when he smudges glossies of ricky schroder on silver spoons

YouTube - Silver Spoons Ricky Schroder Alfonso Breakdance

hope the old perv drops in and chekcs out the link, prob owns the series tho

further illumination: check into the franlkin sex scandals ...

George Bush--Omaha Call Boys

or if you like movies, heres the whole sordid tale in 55 minutes--you think im kidding, you cant make this stuff up ...

Conspiracy of Silence - Illuminati Pedophiles in Washington D.C. (documentary)

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: How is that "Surge" working??

LOL !!! This guy truly makes Clinton look like a potential for the next Pope


Re: How is that "Surge" working??

anti, have you ever seen that doc, some wild stuff, the kids even relay B41 disappears with an adoloescent black kid into a back room


Re: How is that "Surge" working??

its in that doc, some wild party that one of the molested kids years later contends that bush41 took off with one of the kid-candy and wasnt seen again ...

that whole franklin scandal is prob the sickest thing i have learned during my brain renaissance ... the details were all covered up as usual ... lil blurb here or there is it ... i mean why wouldnt that crap make page 1 for 6 months, why wouldnt the mena arkansas shit be plastered everywhere for ages ... same with the october surprise and harken ...

it doesnt take much intellect to see whats been going on in this country for decades, yet taken to a new level since the 9/11 neocon murder fest ...

glad theres a few like you that have the will and curiosity to check below the smoke and mirrored surface of things and see the pernicious truth of these events

i have people i love say whats it gain you in the end? and i reply: is that what you would teach your kids, to turn a blind eye to evil doers? just listen to yourself, where was the guts you had when you were younger, when did you sell out, when did you give up?

that line of thought, shaming them, usually gets them mad or they drop it immediately and offer the standby: Ok, man, i respect your passion for all that stuff but lets talk about something else ... then we rehash Mike vick's dogs, did Matrix 3 suck or not, or will Kobe get a ring this year--the real important junk :(


EOG Dedicated
Re: How is that "Surge" working??

the gov. story is that a plane hit the pentagon with all the surveillance cameras around there,then why wont they show the plane hitting. its there story so show it.
Re: How is that "Surge" working??

BAGHDAD ? Three weeks after U.S. troops were ordered into the sprawling Shiite Muslim slum of Sadr City to stop rockets from raining down on the U.S. Embassy compound in Baghdad's Green Zone, they're caught in crossfire between Shiite militiamen and the mostly Shiite Iraqi army. American soldiers who try to move around this urban area, even in the U.S. Army's state-of-the-art Stryker armored vehicles, risk being ambushed. The soldiers in a platoon from the 25th Infantry Division quickly learned that holding a position puts them in the line of fire from both the Mahdi Army militia and the U.S.-backed Iraqi forces. The American soldiers can't go on the offensive from the run-down two-story house they commandeered in south Sadr City, but must hunker down and wait to get shot at. An Iraqi family evacuated the house just before the fighting started. It has rats and clogged toilets but no electricity or hot water, and no air conditioning or heating. The American soldiers have had one shower and barely a change of clothes since they got here. Things got a lot worse last weekend, when bullets started flying at the house, targeting soldiers on the rooftop and in the rooms on the second floor. "Where's it coming from?" the soldiers on the roof shouted to one another. more...

When clicking on your link -- Get the fuck outta here man. Your the worst. I will not be opening anymore of your links.
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Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: How is that "Surge" working??

Nic: gosh ... I was in a good mood till you told me to go to hell /// gosh ... having '"DICK" Cheneys nephew shitting all over me is a tragedy ....

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: How is that "Surge" working??

Nicolas: Gosh .... imagine him throwing down the following challenge: "Ok .. MFer .... Lets go head to head on discussing the diffc between a Shiia and Suni ..." /// WOW ... THAT IS SCARY AS WE FLASHBACK TO HIS UNCLE: Ambassador claims shortly before invasion, Bush didn't know there were two sects of Islam Christian Avard Published: Friday August 4, 2006 Print This | Email This [New to RAW STORY? Be sure to check out our front page for all the latest-breaking news. Latest: Raw acquires Republican campaign plan for summer recess...] Former Ambassador to Croatia Peter Galbraith is claiming President George W. Bush was unaware that there were two major sects of Islam just two months before the President ordered troops to invade Iraq, RAW STORY has learned. In his new book, The End of Iraq: How American Incompetence Created A War Without End, Galbraith, the son of the late economist John Kenneth Galbraith, claims that American leadership knew very little about the nature of Iraqi society and the problems it would face after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. A year after his ?Axis of Evil? speech before the U.S. Congress, President Bush met with three Iraqi Americans, one of whom became postwar Iraq?s first representative to the United States. The three described what they thought would be the political situation after the fall of Saddam Hussein. During their conversation with the President, Galbraith claims, it became apparent to them that Bush was unfamiliar with the distinction between Sunnis and Shiites. Galbraith reports that the three of them spent some time explaining to Bush that there are two different sects in Islam--to which the President allegedly responded, ?I thought the Iraqis were Muslims!?/// The Raw Story | Ambassador claims shortly before invasion, Bush didn't know there were two sects of Islam