Colts are still the team to beat.


EOG Master
Manning has beaten New England what 3-4 straight?

He can go a long way in building a 'best ever' type real legacy if they end up winning it and silencing the NFL.

Indy can definitely play with New England...there's no home field when these two squads meet at this point.

Indy is the only team left who has any real shot of slaying the Patriots in New England in January.



Re: Colts are still the team to beat.

do you think my cousin (colts scout) gives them the edge over the pats?


Hache Man

"Seven Days Without Gambling Makes One Weak"
Re: Colts are still the team to beat.

Tonight will tell us a lot about Indy.

I personally hope to see the Colts knock of the Pats........


EOG Master
Re: Colts are still the team to beat.

Tonight will tell us a lot about Indy.

I personally hope to see the Colts knock of the Pats........

Same here, I think many lifetime NFL fans are not liking what New England is doing to this league...I am not surprised frankly but can't stand it.



EOG Dedicated
Re: Colts are still the team to beat.

i think they lose tonight at jax and then beat the pats in two weeks...

but i'm wrong... a lot


Re: Colts are still the team to beat.

i think they lose tonight at jax and then beat the pats in two weeks...

but i'm wrong... a lot

happy hour, im also wrong a lot. i feel closer to you than ever. like the brother i never made out with.

Re: Colts are still the team to beat.

my cousin is a scout with the colts. he has a sb ring valued at 22K. when i got to hold it, i wanted to run off into the woods.


jerking off in the woods is NOT the answer mo....told you that a million times

Hache Man

"Seven Days Without Gambling Makes One Weak"
Re: Colts are still the team to beat.

Same here, I think many lifetime NFL fans are not liking what New England is doing to this league...I am not surprised frankly but can't stand it.


As I stated in a thread recently, I don't care for this New England team from the last few years because they seem to like to run up the score on teams at times. I have seen plenty of games similar to the one against Miami in which they had a very comfortable lead in the 2nd half only to continue to drop back & throw the ball down after down.....


EOG Master
Re: Colts are still the team to beat.

As I stated in a thread recently, I don't care for this New England team from the last few years because they seem to like to run up the score on teams at times. I have seen plenty of games similar to the one against Miami in which they had a very comfortable lead in the 2nd half only to continue to drop back & throw the ball down after down.....

I don't have a problem with them throwing unless I need them to quit it :cool: fact I find that somewhat refreshing to see a team not so predictable with a lead, like the old days.

they also pass a lot instead of running but those pass plays are short swing passes which are basically like running plays.

nobody wants to see a team dominate football unless it's their team.

Same with SF 90s Dallas 90's, Chi mid 80's, if you are hated you have usually done something worth while along the way.
Re: Colts are still the team to beat.

people they throw a lot cuz their running game isn't all that

plus when you have a QB that can throw the ball and receivers that don't drop passes you don't need to run shit.

who says you can't run up a score on another team....they don't want the score to be run up then they best step up and play some defence


EOG Veteran
Re: Colts are still the team to beat.

I think Manning could expose the NE secondary. The Pats are not a team with no weekness like everyone has been saying.

They are also very old. How long can Junior Seau, Rodney Harrision and people like Teddy Bruskii stay effective?

I bet most people dont know this, but the COLTS are the youngest team in the entire NFL. I know, thats very hard to believe but true.


Re: Colts are still the team to beat.

I think Manning could expose the NE secondary. The Pats are not a team with no weekness like everyone has been saying.

choptalk, are you saying that you know more than everyone else? thats impressive.



EOG Master
Re: Colts are still the team to beat.

Seau with 3 picks in two games, he still has those 20 inch guns...the rest of the D besides LBs is very young.


Re: Colts are still the team to beat.

Pats and Colts look like their on different levels. It will be a great game that will probably break ratings records.


EOG Veteran
Re: Colts are still the team to beat.

I think some people are confusing running up the score with ensuring victory.


EOG Senior Member
Re: Colts are still the team to beat.

I changed my mind today. All year I have been saying Indy is the team to beat but, great as they are, I am starting to believe these Pats are other-worldly.


EOG Master
Re: Colts are still the team to beat.

Let it go to 7 then. the best thing that could have happened today was another NE blowout, Colts backers just made another 3 points on this line.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Colts are still the team to beat.

It won't be enough. NE is on a mission to kick the living shit out of everyone they play this year and Indy's just going to be another victim.


EOG Master
Re: Colts are still the team to beat.

Baah...baaah ...baaa-aaaah.

I suppose the entire free world will be on New England, mistake.


EOG Senior Member
Re: Colts are still the team to beat.

I think next week's game will be a leave-it-alone for me.

I look forward to watching it but I don't foresee any wagering.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Colts are still the team to beat.

The Greek's got it at NE 3 1/2 -115 and 56-.


Real definitive statement you made there, 'the total will be the way to go'.
Over or Under at 56-? And I assume you're taking Indy at that number. Correct?


EOG Master
Re: Colts are still the team to beat.

The Greek's got it at NE 3 1/2 -115 and 56-.


Real definitive statement you made there, 'the total will be the way to go'.
Over or Under at 56-? And I assume you're taking Indy at that number. Correct?

Why don't you actually reply to my picks that are all over this forum and are very accurate, WAIT TIL I MAKE A PLAY BEFORE YOU ATTACK ME, AND MAYBE AT LEAST WAIT TIL I LOSE.
