Sorry Guys, Justin Timberlake is now COOL!!!


EOG Dedicated
This video and song is aaight......And now that Scarlett has been added to his role call of women, it has to be the top in the industry as we know it.....I know, I know, Montana's, Gene Simmons, Hitdogg's, MO's rolecall list are very solid, BUT JT IS DA MAN.....Sorry Glue and Tychee, your rolecall list are not that solid as ours.......Watch this video, pretty hot....

Sony Music Box

Hache Man

"Seven Days Without Gambling Makes One Weak"
Re: Sorry Guys, Justin Timberlake is now COOL!!!

Guy is one of if not the most talented male singers/performers out there

Singer Usher has taken shots at him in the past, apparently out of jealousy......